Welcome Back Checklist Membean account Google classroom Noredink.com Skyward login Springboard Library book Remind 101
Membean.com To create your account and join the class, go to membean.com/enroll If you were enrolled last semester, you do not need to re-enroll. The class codes are: 1st C2SQAQA 4TH C2SQD4W 8TH C2SQDPW 3RD C2SQBF3 5TH CSSQA8F Let me know if you changed classes, and I will correct it on my end.
Google Classroom Class codes: 1st 3sl9tc 3rd 9x9syc4 4th z5l9w6 5th wsi2vuz 8th llnznu2 If you changed periods or moved from another teacher, you need to click the plus sign in the top right corner and Add my class.
Google Classroom To submit assignments to Classroom, you must go to classroom.google.com and log in with your GCISD student login. Choose the title of the assignment to turn in. Click Add. Upload your submission from your Google drive or from your computer. Click Turn In.
Noredink.com There are 5 grammar lessons available for you to work on. You can complete them any time before the due date. No late lessons will be taken for a grade. They are worth 20 points each.
Noredink.com You will use this to submit grammar lessons. Class codes: 1st e4x7d7h8 3rd fd79fka8 4th 9cxmddka 5th dv8vmmck 8th 43m347v9 If you already signed up last semester and did the reassessment quizzes, you do not need to sign up again. When you log in you will see the lessons.
Skyward You need to know or have access to your Skyward log in information. You will not be allowed to access Skyward on your phone. You can get the information from the counseling office between classes.
SpringBoard Your SpringBoard book needs to stay in the classroom. There are some occasions when I will have you tear pages out to take home. If you are absent and need to take your book home to catch up, talk to me first. Sometimes I can download the pages you need and email or print them.
Library books Library books have a due date and there is a late fine. Please make sure you drop your book off in the return slot in A Hall between classes or before/after school.
Independent Reading You will need one independent reading book for each of the remaining 6 weeks periods. This needs to be something you have NOT READ before and at least 150 pages. If you need suggestions, please see me. The library offers audio books or ebooks. Juniors – this needs to be an American author unless you have special permission from me. Seniors – this can be any book you have not read
Remind 101 If you have not signed up for reminders, please go to the English page for your class and scroll to the bottom for information. I do not send many, only the important ones.
Article of the Week When you log into Classroom, you will see two new assignments titled AoW. For the detailed information, go to my home page and click on the Article of the Week link on the right menu. The chart has links to a sample article, questions, and even a sample assignment. You will also find both articles for this six weeks and their due dates. Feel free to complete those any time BEFORE the due date.
Quickwrite (Juniors only) When you log into Classroom.google.com you will see an assignment titled Quickwrite. Click on the title Click the middle button that says Create Document Using the MLA heading (see the Sample document from the Article of the Week chart for an example), write one paragraph (5-7 sentences) focusing on what you will do differently this semester. This can be related to work, academics, or your personal life.
Make sure you have written down passwords and taken care of these things before the next class period. Membean account Google classroom Noredink.com Skyward login Springboard Library book Remind 101 Quickwrite (Juniors)