2 nd – 6 th Rockstars February Weekly Reminders 4th Grade Literacy – In Literacy class students will continue to learn comprehension skills and strategies to become better readers. This week students will be able to identify the theme (or message) of a story. Students will also continue to learn and strengthen their vocabulary and grade level sight work skills. 5th Grade Literacy - In Literacy class students will build upon their prior knowledge of comprehension skills and strategies to become better readers. This week students will be able to create and identify a generalization statement based upon clue words and prior knowledge. Rogers & Crowder Coke Fundraiser – Orders are due Friday, February 21 st 2nd Grade Math - My 2nd graders are working on metric measurement of length, mass, and volume. We are also continuing to work on multiplication, division, and problem-solving. 3rd Grade Math - My 3rd grade math class will be using related multiplication facts to divide. They will also be dividing a 1-digit or a 2-digit number with or without regrouping as well as problem- solving. Please continue to work on multiplication facts as well as Compass Learning if you have internet access. :) 2nd Grade Social Studies - My 2nd grade class will be studying about the Civil Rights Leaders. 3rd Grade Social Studies - My 3rd grade Social Studies class will be studying about Canada's location, climate, and major regions as well as the differences and similarities between Canada and the United States. 4th Grade Social Studies - My two 4th grade classes will be studying about Kentucky's years after statehood. 2nd Grade Literacy I can determine if a statement is a fact or opinion based upon if it can be proved true or false. I can use my background knowledge and clues from the story to make inferences. I can develop vocabulary to use when reading, writing, and speaking. 3rd Grade Literacy I can recognize that a generalization is a statement that tells how things are mostly alike or all alike. I can understand that a summary contains only the most important parts of a story and is retold using my own words. I can develop vocabulary to use when reading, writing, and speaking. 2nd Grade Science I can understand how plants without flowers grow new plants. I can demonstrate the life cycle of a plant. 3rd Grade Science I can explain how an inclined plane works. I can describe how a lever works.
Bowen Science/Math-Students are working to expand their math vocabulary. We have also acquired additional math strategies to help with working word problems. Your child can log onto Mobymax.com and from there log onto the math program. We are working on this at school three days a week, however any additional time at home would be a plus. This remediates with examples and practice. Language-Classes are working on the parts of a letter and continuing to identify SPAT. This stands for situation, purpose, audience, and task. This is a skill needed to be able to identify what you are being ask to write on during the K-prep test we take in the spring. Math- We will be finishing up our unit in fractions this week. I plan to asses by the end of this week or early next week. Continue to practice multiplication facts! Science- we will finish up our unit on rocks this week and begin our unit over the solar system. Students will be writing their final draft of their letter to an astronaut. We will be mailing those out this week. Writer's Workshop We will begin our units on Opinion/Argument Writing. Please ask your child to give you the requirements for these types of writing. Daily Five We will be finishing our study of Comparing Two Texts this week. We have been reading the play "The Miracle Worker" and we will be viewing the black and white video production of this script. Rock On!!!! Linder 5th Social Studies I can identify problems with the Articles of Confederation. I can explain key powers of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branch. I can explain "Checks and Balances" of the Constitution. 5th Math I can solve a variety of problems with decimals to the thousandths. I can multiply tenths and hundredths by a whole number. The next few weeks we will be focusing on the coordinate plane. We will plot coordinates and graph linear lines. We will also include area and perimeter of polygons that we plot.