National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence ASE MISSION To improve the quality of vehicle repair and service through testing and.


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Presentation transcript:

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence ASE MISSION To improve the quality of vehicle repair and service through testing and certification.

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Nobody likes change but wet babies 2010 is here! 2011 will bring more changes

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Recom- mendation for Certification On-Site Evaluation Program Certification Process NATEF Review ASE Certification (5 years) Program Self Evaluation

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Transportation PROGRAM CERTIFICATION  Automobile (includes optional CNG, LPG)  Collision Repair & Refinish  Medium/Heavy Truck (includes optional CNG, LNG, LPG)

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Program Standards Purpose Purpose Administration Administration Learning Resources Learning Resources Finances Finances Student Services Student Services 6. Instruction 7.Equipment 8. Facilities 9. Instructional Staff 10. Cooperative Agreements 11. Elearning

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Five Point Rating Scale 5Exceptional; Above Average 4Average; Adequate 3Somewhat; Needs Improvement 2Very little 1Not at all

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Rating Standards 154 Documentation! Documentation! Documentation!

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Standard 2.5; An Advisory Committee consisting of at least five (5) members must convene at least two times a year and be utilized to provide counsel, assistance, and information from the community served by the training program. This committee should be broadly based and include former students, employed technicians, employers, and representatives for consumers’ interest. Stds 2.3 D&E, 4.2A, 5.5E, 6.4A, 6.5C, 6.7 B, 6.14 F, 7.5B And Advisory tour of facility Std 8.11 Should be discussed and recorded in the minutes Std 11 new! Go-No-Go Standard 2.5

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Advisory meetings should be face to face, working meetings. Short and to the point. Do not waste their time! Tom Richardson says “It is all about relationships!” Std. 2.5 Business and Industry Council

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Business and Education Council  Information on requirements for an advisory How to develop and maintain an advisory Watch an Advisory meeting

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Local business representatives Parents Std. 2.5 Counselors, Administrators Owners and service managers

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence GO / NO - GO ITEMS  Standard 5.5 F The Advisory Committee must review information from annual follow-up procedure and provide input for modifications to the program. The Advisory Committee must review information from annual follow-up procedure and provide input for modifications to the program.

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence 6.15 Live work

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence

Hazardous and toxic materials will be handled, removed and recycled or disposed of according to federal, state, and local regulations. Std 6.8 Std. 6.5 D 1, 2 All students will receive instruction in the storage, handling, and use of Hazardous Materials as required in Hazard Communication Title 29, Code of Federal Regulation Part , ‘Right to Know Law’, and state and local requirements;

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence

Validates the Program Std 6.7 Hands on Competency Hands on Performance Evaluation Validates the Program training programs being evaluated for certification should have written and detailed performance standards for each task covered and taught in the curriculum; Std 6.7, A,B,C Std. 6.13

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Std. 7.1A Go-No Go Equipment Safety Std 8.2 G Traffic lanes Std. 8.2A Safety Signage Std.6.8D Shop Safety Bolt down equipment

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence GO / NO - GO ITEMS Standard 6.5 A Standard 6.5 A (Collision) 95% of HP-I tasks 95% of HP-I tasks 90% of HP-G tasks 90% of HP-G tasks must be in curriculum must be in curriculum

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence GO / NO - GO ITEMS Standard 6.5 A Standard 6.5 A (Auto) 95% of P1 tasks 95% of P1 tasks 80% of P2 tasks 80% of P2 tasks 50% of P3 tasks 50% of P3 tasks must be in curriculum must be in curriculum GST must teach 100% of tasks

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence The student has received the necessary training to locate and use current reference and training materials from accepted industry publications and resources. Std 6.5, 5&6

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence  elps.html elps.html elps.html  E Learning E Learning E Learning  learningq&a.pdf learningq&a.pdf learningq&a.pdf

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Std 6.13 Testing both written and performance based

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Your first impression is important!

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence

GO / NO - GO ITEMS  Standard 7.1 B Safety glasses must be worn by all students, instructors, and visitors in the lab/shop area while lab is in session. Safety glasses must be worn by all students, instructors, and visitors in the lab/shop area while lab is in session.

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence

Std 6.9 A 5,6 Personal Habits, 6.10 Work Habits

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Std 6.8 D and 7.1 B Safety Glasses must be worn if any work is being done in shop/lab 8.6 A Separate classroom

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence GO / NO - GO ITEMS  Standard 7.1 A All shields, guards, and safety devices must be in place, operable, and used. All shields, guards, and safety devices must be in place, operable, and used. Note: A go-no-go std will cause the program not to be certified no matter how good the rest of the evaluation is.

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence 8.4 Orderly workplace/lab 7.1 A Go-No Go Safety! 7.1 B Safety Glasses

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Std 7.2 Tools & Equipment must meet program goals

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Std. 7.2 A,B,C Std 7.8 A,B,C Hand tools Quality&Quantity

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence

Std 6.4 teaching load and contact hours Std 2.4 liability Std 8.2 Safety of the facility

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Std 6.5 OSHA, EPA, and Safety Std 8.4, 8.1, 8.2

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence 8.2 C Power cut 8.2, B Fire Extinguishers

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence 8.7 Storage

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence

Std 8.9, 8.2 Exhaust

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Std 8.4, Std A,B,C Honda Factory Training Center Std. 8.2 B Housekeeping First Aid

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Go-No-go Std. 9 Instructors required to attend at least 20 hours/year of recognized industry training relevant to the areas in which the program is certified. Std.2.3 A, Can you go? Std.9.3 B, Do you go? Documentation of attendance required.

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Std. 10.1A, 10.2A, 10.3A Internships Std yr local Dealership Summer internships Student Apprenticeships

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Send to ETL At least two weeks prior to on-site: At least two weeks prior to on-site: – Application for On-site Evaluation – Course of Study – On-site Team Member List – Advisory Committee List – Arrangements for the visit

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence