Know your target market
Spark creativity & brainstorm COLLABORATION!!
Research & analysis
Storyboarding Ability to create a vision, capture it on paper, and express it in such a way as to stir emotional reaction in the audience. A storyboard is similar to an elaborate cartoon strip that shows a director frame by frame what is happening in a script, including textual references, location directions, and sound and lighting cues. Two Purposes of a storyboard: 1. Allow a filmmaker to pre-visualize his/her ideas and to refine them in the same way a writer develops ideas through successive drafts. 2. They serve as the clearest language to communicate ideas to the entire production team.
No matter which storyboard format you choose, the following information must be included: 1. Picture/Image - Each frame contains a single image of what the team plans to film. A visual representation of what the scene will look like. 2. Action - Summary of action in scene (one or two sentences). 3. Location – A visual representation of where the team plans to film each scene. 4. Audio and Lighting - What type of lighting is to be used and what kind of audio the scene will have such as dialogue, music, sound effects, or any combination of these. 5. Text - Actual words, if any, for each screen, page, or frame.
Script Writing - A great script doesn’t guarantee a great production, but a bad script certainly guarantees a bad one! Top 5 Script Writing “Rules of Thumb”: 1. KISS (Keep It Short & Simple). 2. Understand your AUDIENCE. 3. Use VERBAL messages to compliment VISUALS. 4. Use PUNCTUATION to note pacing. 5. Do your RESEARCH.
Video: Planning Your Project! Video: Planning Your Project!
Cole H.S. Homecoming 2014! 1. In your assigned groups, create a storyboard for a commercial advertising the upcoming Cole Homecoming 2014 celebration (Homecoming week, game and dance). 2. Each team will write a script for the commercial based on the storyboard created by your group. NOTE: See assignment sheet on my web page for detailed instructions & rubric.
Composition: The deliberate arrangement of elements in the frame to give balance to your shot. Rule of 3rds – arranging subjects on a “tic-tac-toe” grid in the frame where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect. Headroom – Leaving room at the top of the frame so the subject is not cutoff or too low. Leadroom – Leaving room in front of a moving subject in the frame. Video Production Basics: Composition Video by GTC
General Camera Shots: 1. Extreme Long Shot – Subjects are small and far away from camera. 2. Long Shot – Subjects are closer to camera but still small in frame. 3. Medium Shot – Subjects are up close to camera & framed from about the waist up. 4. Closeup – Subjects are framed from shoulders up. 5. Extreme Closeup – Subjects are framed from chin to forehead.
Camera Shots Specific to People: 1. Knee Shot – Subjects are in frame from knees up Shot – Two people in frame – Shot – Three people in frame. 4. Over the Shoulder Shot – Two people, one is filmed from rear, primary is facing camera. 5. Crop Shot – Person closest to camera is cropped out of frame. Video Production Basics: Video on Framing by GTC
In general, camera should be stationary. Use a tripod! Movement should be subtle and not distracting! Reasons for camera movement: 1. Adjust framing 2. Reveal a scene gradually 3. Follow motion Types of camera movement: Zoom, Pan, Track and Tilt Video Production Basics: Video on Camera Movement by GTC
Recognizing “ambient sounds” or “interference” is critical to the quality of your video: Ambient Sounds – wind, vents, traffic, loud voices and side conversations Interference – caused by wireless devices close to the camera For best results use mics and headphones hooked to cameras.
Be aware of lighting in film location. Too much sun? Overexposure. Move to more shaded area. Too dark? Underexposure. Move to more lighted area. Deciding whether you’ll film indoors or outdoors should depend on effect you want for your video! Video Production Basics: Video on Lighting by GTC
Filming outside the classroom is a privilege you enjoy, which was earned by former students. If your behavior outside the classroom is disruptive and/or not appropriate, this privilege can be quickly revoked. FIRST by me, SECOND by other teachers, and LAST by administration, BOTTOM LINE: Do not behave in a disruptive manner when filming. There are other classes in session. Video projects will not be as fun or effective if all filming has to be done in my classroom and adjoining hallways. For these reasons, this class is reserved mostly for upperclassmen (Juniors & Seniors with a few sophomores). DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PRIVILEGE!!
Watch the clock! Return to class at least 5 minutes before the bell (10:39 a.m.)!! I will not write you a pass for 8 th period if you return late from filming !
Video Production Basics: Video by GTC