Type A/B Behavioral Pattern Personality in Work Motivation
PRINCIPLE PERSONALITY MAKES A DIFFERENCE IN WORK PERFORMANCE Personality: Certain characteristics of ourselves (e.g., having a high need for achievement)
Type A Personality A set of observable behaviors and emotions THAT CAN BE OBSERVED IN A PERSON WHO IS AGGRESSIVELY INVOLVED IN A CHRONIC STRUGGLE TO ACHIEVE MORE AND MORE IN LESS AND LESS TIME, AND IF REQUIRED TO DO SO, AGAINST THE OPPOSING EFFORTS OF OTHER PEOPLE OR THINGS Represents Continuum:Extreme Type ANon Type Aor Type B Continuum:From Extreme Type A (20) to Non Type A (10 or less) (or Type B)
General Characteristics of Type As Extremely AggressiveExtremely Aggressive Easily Aroused HostilityEasily Aroused Hostility A Strong Sense of Time UrgencyA Strong Sense of Time Urgency Extremely CompetitiveExtremely Competitive
Work Characteristics of Type A s Work Characteristics of Type A s (vs. Type Bs) Achievement OrientedAchievement Oriented Hard-WorkingHard-Working DominantDominant QuickQuick ShrewdShrewd AggressiveAggressive AngryAngry Lacking in Self-ControlLacking in Self-Control Work-RelatedCharacteristics A s are more than B s :
Communication Patterns Communication Patterns Between Type A s and Type B s Bs become as angry as A s when they interact with A s A s punish other A s more than B s punish other B s A s punish other A s more than they do B s Speech Patterns QuicklyLoudlyExplosively A s speak: Quickly, Loudly, and Explosively Communication with Bs
Performance Differences Between Type A s and Type B s Is difficultIs difficult Calls for enduranceCalls for endurance Has many external distractionsHas many external distractions If time deadline is unknown, As work faster then BsIf time deadline is unknown, As work faster then Bs A s set higher initial goals for their performanceA s set higher initial goals for their performance A s Outperform B s If the situation:
Performance Differences Between Type A s and Type B s When tasks require slow and careful responsesWhen tasks require slow and careful responses When tasks require broad focus of attentionWhen tasks require broad focus of attention On performance after prolonged and visible failureOn performance after prolonged and visible failure Bs Outperform As
Type A s and Work/Life Achievements Have higher nAch scoresHave higher nAch scores Have more educationHave more education Have more rapid career advancementHave more rapid career advancement Attain a higher occupational statusAttain a higher occupational status Receive more rewards from their workReceive more rewards from their work Study and work more hours for paid employmentStudy and work more hours for paid employment Receive more academic and sport honorsReceive more academic and sport honors Are more active in high school sportsAre more active in high school sports Sleep lessSleep less
Personal Characteristics of Type A s Personal Characteristics of Type A s (vs. Type Bs) Highly StressedHighly Stressed Dissatisfied With WorkDissatisfied With Work Dissatisfied With Life AchievementsDissatisfied With Life Achievements Dissatisfied With Their MarriagesDissatisfied With Their Marriages PersonalCharacteristics A s are more than B s :
Type A s and Personal Health Have higher blood pressureHave higher blood pressure Have more coronary diseasesHave more coronary diseases Have heightened nervous system activationHave heightened nervous system activation