How to fail the exam Paul Taylor 2009
ALLOWABLE MATERIALS Programmable or non-programmable calculator Unmarked, non-electronic English dictionary Ruler, compass, coloured pencils Students permitted to bring a highlighter to highlight exam paper during reading time. No writing is permitted during this time. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This paper is worth 50% of the assessment in this subject, and students must complete questions totalling at least 120 marks. Section A is Compulsory There are four (4) sections in this paper: Section A contains fifteen (15) True / False questions and is compulsory. It is worth 15 marks. Section B contains two (2) questions and is compulsory. It is worth 30 marks. Section B, C and D, students must choose questions totalling at least 60 marks from either or all of these sections. WARNING: questions in Section D are very difficult! All answers must be in your script books. More credit will be given for completed questions than for a large number of fragments. Incomplete fragments may be ignored and not marked.
What sorts of games can be built?
Mutators and Total Conversion Mods What is the original name of Epic?
UnrealScript How it compiles and runs The Architecture of Mods and the Object Hierarchy Object and Actors, what is the difference? What is the ForAll function?
State Based Functionality States Latent Functions
Network Replication How it works!!! When it is used That’s about all really
Lighting Pre or Post rendered? How is it done? Light Maps The four types of light The four surface properties Texturing
Materials What is a Material How do textures get applied?
Level Design What is the basic process of designing a level? Artistic Logical Geometry Texturing and Lighting Zoning Navigation Paths Optimisation
Class hierarchies and Architecture Know the basic structure of Unreal Class heirachy Know how mutators interact with these classes
Zones Portals and AntiPortals Occlusion Zones Know when and where to use them
Your Assignment Don’t forget your assignment Know what worked What didn’t – How you balanced the game – What worked – What failed
The End Good Luck!