Intermediate English Conversation Instructor: Colin Walker
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Class Rules ? 자신의 교과서와 노트, 필기도구를 지참하세요. 책을 대여하거나 빌려오는것은 허용하지 않습니다. Respect for classmates and school property. No borrowing!
Course Description Expand vocabulary; Learn effective communication strategies Ask questions and respond accurately; Relate topics in the textbook to actual life experience; pronunciation and accuracy
Textbook Richards, Jack C. (2014). Interchange 2: 4 th ed. Cambridge University Press. ~ 20,000won ~ No workbook
Textbook Ask partner questions; Fill in the blank; Ask partner questions; Fill in the blank; Learn different ways to say the same thing; Role Play? Ask partner questions; Fill in the blank;
Textbook Learn about the opinions of your fellow classmates; Express your own opinions. Learn about the opinions of your fellow classmates; Express your own opinions. Learn comprehension strategies.
Textbook Ask partner questions; Fill in the blank; Tell me about a Korean celebrity.
Textbook Write a script, then present it to your partner or the class. Read the article; Highlight words of difficulty; Discuss with class or teacher; Do the Comprehension Questions, Answer the questions; Discuss with partner.
Textbook Topics 1.A time to remember 2.Caught in a Rush 3.Time for a change! 4.I’ve never heard of that 5.Going places 6.Ok. No Problem 7.What’s this for? 8.Let’s celebrate 9. Times have changed 10. I hate working on weekends 11. It’s really worth seeing 12. What happened 13. Good book, terrible movie 14.So that’ what it means! 15. What would you do? 16. What’s your excuse?
Textbook How do divide content between two 75-minute classes per week: 1 unit per week or 1 unit per class? What are your preferences?
Model for teaching EFL Speaking Reading Writing ….. Listening
Assessment Attendance: 20% Homework: 10% Participation: 10% PowerPoint: 20% Final: 20% (Speaking Exam) Absent = excuse slip ( 결석사유서 )? > 5 absents = F ㅠㅠ Midterm: 20% (Written Exam)
Assessment Attendance: 20% Homework: 10% Participation: 10% PowerPoint: 20% Final: 20% (Speaking Exam) ㅠ Midterm: 20% (Written Exam)
PowerPoint Inflection Mannerisms Speed Contrast Emotion Native speaker is about 120 words per minute. Enunciate distinctly For example: mountain What is the mood of your message? Share your message with different voice tones Does your etiquette match the expectations of the audience or do you even want it to? Emphasizing specific words in each sentence.
Assessment Attendance: 20% Homework: 10% Participation: 10% PowerPoint: 20% Final: 20% (Speaking Exam) Midterm: 20% (Written Exam)
Assessment Attendance: 20% Homework: 10% Participation: 10% PowerPoint: 20% Final: 20% (Speaking Exam) Be curious: 호기심 Enjoy learning Midterm: 20% (Written Exam) Be empathetic: 공감하기
An example of empathy Empathy?
An example of empathy Thank you ? Empathy
Assessment Attendance: 20% Homework: 10% Participation: 10% PowerPoint: 20% Final: 20% (Speaking Exam) Multiple choice on course content. One-to-one speaking exam Thorough review before each exam Midterm: 20% (Written Exam)
Assessment Attendance: 20% Homework: 10% Participation: 10% PowerPoint: 20% Final: 20% (Speaking Exam) Midterm: 20% (Written Exam)
Speaking to the next level Follow-Up Questions What did you do on the weekend? I met my friends. Who Who did you meet? What What did you do? Where Where did you go? When When did you meet? Why Why did you meet? How How did you first meet your friend?