Matter, Temperature, Phase Changes, Pressure/ Buoyancy, and Thermal Energy
Jeopardy! MatterTempera ture Phase Changes Pressure and Buoyancy Thermal Energy vs Heat Final Jeopardy
Temperature $100 Answer: The Measure of the average kinetic energy of the individual particles in an object What is temperature?
Temperature $200 Answer: When you remove most of water’s thermal (kinetic) energy this happens. What is freezing?
Temperature $300 Answer: The freezing point of a substance is the same as its _______ point What is melting?
Temperature $400 Answer: If two glasses of boiling water are at the same temperature, why would their thermal energy be different? Thermal energy is the measure of movement of molecules plus the amount of molecules… one glass is bigger.
Temperature $500 Answer: Explain why being burned by steam can cause more damage than being burned by a similar quantity of hot water at the same temperature. Heat causes thermal energy to transfer into you. Steam has much more kinetic energy then water. Your body is absorbing that extra energy. Steam also condenses on your skin.
Matter $100 Answer: Which state of matter has the LEAST thermal energy? What is a solid?
$200 Matter $200 Answer: Which state of matter has a definite volume but NO definite shape? What is a liquid?
Matter $300 Answer: Describe two ways an amorphous solid is different from crystalline solid. 1. Amorphous solids don’t have regular atomic patters, crystalline solids have patterns called crystals. 2. When heat is added, amorphous solids just get softer; crystalline solids have crystals so they fight the change of state(Solid, to Liquid, to Gas)
Matter $400 Answer: The higher the viscosity of a fluid, the _____________ it flows. What is slower?
Matter $500 Answer: Formula M=V X D Aluminum has a density of 2.7 g/cm3. What is the mass of a solid aluminum cylinder with a volume of 1,000cm3? 1,000cm3 X 2.7 g/cm3= 2,700g
Thermal Energy Vs Heat $100 Answer: This is the total energy of all the particles in a substance. What is Thermal Energy?
Thermal Energy Vs Heat $200 Answer: This is the movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object. What is heat?
Thermal Energy Vs Heat $300 Answer: The more thermal energy a substance has, the more ______________ it has. What are particles?
Thermal Energy Vs Heat $400 Internet Answer: Heat is measure in a unit called _______________. What joules?
Thermal Energy Vs Heat $500 Internet Answer… starts with a C: A jar of HOT green water is placed into an aquarium full of COLD water. The HOT green water begins to rise out of the jar to the top of the aquarium, spread out, and fall back down. Name the type of heat transfer. What is convection?
Phase Changes $100 Answer: True or false, the pressure inside the tires is greater after it has been driven on for a few hours than at the beginning of a trip? True
Phase Changes $200 Answer: Solid to Gas. What is Sublimation?
Phase Changes $300 Answer: Fog on a mirror. What is Condensation?
Phase Changes $400 Answer: Two types of vaporization. What are evaporation and boiling?
Phase Changes $500 Answer: When a substance’s thermal energy changes by a sufficient amount, it ____________. What is changes state?
Pressure and Buoyancy $100 Answer: Why is an air bag used to prevent injury vs. you hitting the dash ? The volume (space between atoms) of air is high so you can compress air easier than solids. So air absorbs more of the force from the crash.
Pressure and Buoyancy $200 Answer: Why would you want to use snow shoes when crossing deep snow? Pressure is force divided by area… snow shoes increase the area, this causes the pressure to decrease.
Pressure and Buoyancy $300 Answer: Blimps filled with helium float in air, what does that say about its density vs. oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide? It says helium atoms are less massive (lighter) than same amt of other a atoms increasing the buoyant force, causing them to float.
Pressure and Buoyancy $400 Answer: Explain how ships made of materials that are denser than water are able to float. They have large wide bottoms which allow for a greater surface area. We know that is a force is exerted over a larger area, the pressure decrea
$500 F=MXA Pressure and Buoyancy $500 F=MXA Answer: Smath 16,170N X 65cm3 (piston A) /5005cm3 (piston B)= 210N.
Final Jeopardy! Declare Your Points! Short Answer: Write your answer on a sheet of paper
Short Answer At the seashore, children comfortably play in shallow water while older people are shivering in deeper water. Explain why using science terms.
Short Answer There is less cold water contacting the kids, so less of their heat energy is being taken by the cold water. Older people are being exposed to more cold water molecules, so there is more thermal heat energy being transferred.