Earth and Space Science Atmosphere Layers Heating the Atmosphere Ocean Circulation Picture This Changes & Trends 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
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A-100 Question: This is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? Answer: Nitrogen-78%. Oxygen is the second most abundant-21%
A-200 Question: This lowest layer of the atmosphere is also the most dense? Answer: troposphere
A-300 Question: Ozone gas exists in which layer of the atmosphere? Answer: stratosphere
A-400 Question: The boundary between the mesosphere and the thermosphere is called this… Answer: mesopause.
A-500 Question: Fifty percent of gases that make up the atmosphere are found at what distance above the earth? (Hint answer should be in kilometers) Answer: 5.6 kilometers
B-100 QUESTION: Earth receives energy from the sun through what method of heat transfer? ANSWER: radiation.
B-200 QUESTION: The heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radiation by certain heat-absorbing gases is called what… ANSWER: the greenhouse effect.
B-300 QUESTION: A metal spoon becoming hot after being placed in boiling water would be an example of what method of heat transfer? ANSWER: Conduction
B-400 QUESTION: Warm air will rise toward the ceiling due to this heat transferring process? ANSWER: convection.
B-500 QUESTION: What is the result of two objects having different temperatures coming in contact with each other? ANSWER: Heat will be transferred from one object to the other until they become the same temperature.
C-100 Question: These ocean current systems move in circles within Earth’s ocean basins? Answer: Gyres.
C-200 Question: The rising of cold water from deep layers of the ocean to replace warmer surface water is called this? Answer: upwelling
C-300 Question: The friction between the ocean and this is the cause of surface currents? Answer: wind.
C-400 Question: The transferring of heat and cold between the tropics and polar regions by ocean currents has a direct affect on this phenomena? Answer: Climate.
C-500 QUESTION: This process causes density currents to form in the Mediterranean Sea? ANSWER: Evaoporation.
D-100 Question: Which layer of the atmosphere is shown by the star in this diagram? Answer: Troposphere.
D-200 Question: Which layer of the atmosphere is shown by the line in this diagram? Answer: Stratopause.
D-300 Question: Which layer of the atmosphere is shown by the star in this diagram? Answer: Mesosphere.
D-400 Question: Which layer of the atmosphere is shown by the line in this diagram? Answer: Tropopause.
D-500 Question: In which layer of the atmosphere does temperature increase with altitude? Answer: Stratosphere and thermosphere.
E-100 Question: During a change in sates of matter, energy is transferred in the form of…? Answer: heat
E-200 Question: Which type of process occurs when a gas is transformed into a liquid? Answer: condensation
E-300 Question: In the troposphere, what decreases as altitude increases? Answer: temperature and pressure
E-400 Question: The process in which a solid is converted directly into a gas is know as this…? Answer: sublimation
E-500 Question: What is increased as a result of a decrease in seawater temperature or an increase in salinity within oceans? Answer: seawater density
FINAL JEOPARDY Question: Provide an example to explain the three forms of heat transfer; convection, conduction, and radiation. Answer: Answers will vary. Conduction occurs when a hotter object is touched, convection is the circulation of a liquid or gases in which heat rises and cool sinks, and radiation is heat emitting in the form of rays from a heat source.