MedVentures Your business pitching templates Tell your story To help you go international, we invite you first to tell a good, short, clear, and easy to repeat story, the story of your exciting new start-up. These powerpoint slides are a guideline to help you convey the essence and energy of your project (not to explain in details or to disclose confidential information, this will be done later on if investors/partners are convinced!). The PowerPoint has to be personnalised: you should use your own words, your visual identity and your logo (including for the first page). These templates just provides you with the basic issues and guidelines. You may add new slides. The following 4-step process is proposed to help you pitch your executive summary: a) Begin with “the “base slide”, as if you had just one slide to convince us… b) Then describe your proposed solution and added value: what is the problem targeted? What is your solution? What are the market opportunities? For what impact (turnover, jobs …)? c) Then explain your organisation and your need to go international: what is your team and how it can become international ? What kind of strategic partnership(s) are your looking for? What is your go-to-market strategy? How do you plan to internationalise your activities? What are your needs in terms of funding, coaching or networking? d) End with the “ask” slide? Explain in few word what MedVentures might bring to your project. Good work ! Your business pitching templates MedVentures An initiative by ANIMA Investment Network & their partners © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved)
Overview Describe your project in a concise statement Guidelines The first 30 seconds are key to capture attention. If you had to do your whole pitch in one slide, this is it ! The best solution to creating an efficient summary slide is to imagine that this is the only slide you might display. Please create the most compelling statement about your big idea. Work on a concise statement (one sentence) to summarise the unique solution or concept or project you have designed to deal with a big issue, problem or need. It should be direct, specific, practical: what unique benefit will you provide to what set of customers to address what particular need? You may also want to highlight the key assets of your company -a photo of the founders, some customer references, a process-, to drop the names of famous people supporting you (if you have a Nobel prize supporting your project for instance!) © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 2
I. Targeted needs & proposed project Guidelines Please, from the beginning, feel free to change the structure of this slide show, to add new slides, to address other issues etc. Be creative ! © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 3
Needs & opportunity What needs are you addressing? © Your entreprise 4 Guidelines & some questions to address: You need to make it clear that there is an important need (current or emerging) that you are going to address, or a problem that you will solve, or a major opportunity you are going to exploit —why does this situation exist and persist, and why is it only now that it can be addressed ? This slide should answer the following questions: - What is the need? - Why is there a need? - Why does this situation exist and persist ? Do not hesitate to list, as examples, some concrete cases to explain the targeted problem. © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 4
Needs & opportunities/2 Market size How are you positioned? What are the key drivers of your market(s) ? Guidelines & some questions to address: Now you can assert the size of the opportunity identified: list the targeted segments on which you will develop your solution and put figures on the potential market targeted if you have some. Example: the energy efficiency in the building industry - Estimated total market: €600 million (source XX) - My segment is: new components of thermal insulation - Estimated valuation of this segment: €100 million (source X) - Main subsectors: offices, houses, public buildings, industrial buildings (%) - Recent key contracts and market potential: YYYY You can also list the factors that define the size and scope of the targeted markets: is your market growing ? What are the key drivers on which you should concentrate? If you have some market research analysis sources, pls. list them. Once again, beyond statistics or market surveys, do not hesitate to use examples to demonstrate that there is a market! © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved)
Your solution What specifically are you offering to whom? How do you see the evolution of your solution in the next 3 years ? Guidelines and questions to address: What specifically are you offering to whom? Is it software, hardware, process, services, a combination? Use common terms to state concretely what you have, or what you do, and how it maght solvesthe problem you have identified. List as well how you see the evolution of your solution in the 3 coming years. © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 6
Your customers Who are your current customers ? Who are your future customers ? What is their position in the segments you target ? Guidelines and questions to address: Highlight your current (paying or pilot) and expected customers. It would be useful to have an understanding of their market position (do they represent 5% or 50% of the market?) Please focus on Europe and the Mediterranean, you might also list other customers in regions like US or Gulf Countries. You could use a matrix to position your customers (see example below): MedVentures Awards 2010 © Your entreprise Customer Targeted Segment Estimated Market Position Targeted Countries Current customers MedCarTech (Example!) Car Assembly systems In the top 50 players 1. Morocco 2. Egypt 3. Germany Targeted customer FiatMed Automotive assembly systems 10% of the total market (in the top 10) 1. Fiat Morocco 2. Fiat Italy © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 7
Your added value What key benefits do you provide to customers? Guidelines and questions to address: State clearly and quantify to the best possible extent the three or four key benefits you provide. Justify and explain this rationale. If you have major customers or prospects, use their own words to explain why they bought or will buy your offer -over the other alternatives. Use quotes to illustrate (“Mr. X provides us with a great solution because...”, etc.) MedVentures Awards 2010 © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 8
Your competitive advantage What is your competitive advantage - compared to others? Guidelines and questions to address: You may be good, but are you really better than everyone else? List your competitors by category, with their strengths and weaknesses in comparison with your solution You might also assess the risks and threats and explain how you will mitigate them. The best way to present the competition is to use a matrix listing the key factors of success in your market (price, quality, competitive edge...) and to position your company & its competitors according to these factors. MedVentures Awards 2010 © Your entreprise Key factors of success (use factors listed in slide 5) Competitor 1 Competitor 2 You ! Factor 1 (i.e. Delay) 3 weeks 4 weeks 2 days ! Factor 2 (i.e. Price) 250 € (Use international currency) 500€ 220€ Factor 3 (i.e. DDD) © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 9
Your business model How do you make profits? MedVentures Awards 2010 Guidelines and questions to address: How do you make money? Usually by selling something at a certain price to certain customers. But there are lots of variations on the standard theme. Explain your pricing, your costs, and why you are going to do to get profitable. You can use a matrix if you want – in order to list the main assumptions /parameters of your business model and their evolution in the 3 coming years To make sure that we can understand the key assumptions underlying your planned success and to be prepared to defend them, you can give a mathematical example. Example: - I plan to sell my product at €100 in Europe, €50 in Morocco & Egypt - I plan to sell 20,000 unit/year in Europe (where the market is estimated to 40,000 units/years) & 5,000 in Egypt - My average cost per product (including all my expenses) is €40/unit - My fixed costs for 2010 (HR, overheads) are €100,000 - My estimated turnover for 2011 is €250,000 etc. MedVentures Awards 2010 © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 10
The 3-year impact of your start-up What are your expectations in the next three years? Guidelines and questions to address: What are your expectations in the three 3 coming years in terms of turnover, job creation and gains? Is your project highly impacting for the economy of your group, region or country ? Is it profitable? Show the two or three key metrics that drive revenues, expenses and growth (such as customers, unit sales, new products, expansion sales, new markets), as well as the revenue, expense, profit, cash balance and headcount lines. Your financials should tell your story in numbers as clearly as you are telling your story in words. MedVentures Awards 2010 © Your entreprise 2010 2011 2012 Nb. of customers Unit sales Revenues Targeted news markets /countries Nb. of employees Fixed costs Net results OTHERS… © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 11
II. Your organisation & international strategy Guidelines Again, feel free to change this slide show and add new slides or chapters. You are the leader of your business ! MedVentures Awards 2010 © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 12
Your team Who are the key members of your company? What would you need to give it an international dimension? Guidelines and questions to address: Present the key players and founders of the company. Make this short, relevant. This is not the time to share everyone's life story. Focus on a significant, relevant accomplishment for each person and highlight the synergies and joint experiences between the team members. List what are the key profiles needed to complement the team and give it an international dimension. If you have or can produce a video testimonial (2 minutes) of the founders, or CVs/bios, please attach them to your application (highly recommended). © Your entreprise International profile needed Targeted country Position Mrs X, Senior business developer France, Spain, Jordan Associate and employee Mr Y, Technical advisor Germany Member of the advisory board © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 13
Your market & distribution strategy What is your distribution strategy? What kind of distribution/commercial partnerships would you need to go international? Guidelines and questions to address: Do you sell directly to customers or do you rely on distribution partners? Depending on your strategy, please list what kind of partnerships will be needed to go international. If you have some concrete example of distribution/marketing/branding partners your are looking for, please quote them. You can list as well the international fairs you would like to attend in order to meet with these partners. © Your entreprise Type of partners Names of targeted partner /events Targeted country Distribution partner Events © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 14
Technological & strategic partnerships To what extent is your solution unique and how will it remain unique in the next 3 years ? What kind of partnerships you want to develop to boost your international competitiveness ? Guidelines and questions to address: To what extend your solution is and will remain unique in the 3 coming years? This is usually some combination of unique team domain expertise, quickness of completion, intellectual property rights, strategic partnership, or patenting if your are in technology (most of companies are innovative due to a new process or marketing concept, see Facebook!). Please list here what kind of technological or strategic partnerships you want to develop to continue to build your project internationally and protect your positions. You can use a matrix (see example below) © Your entreprise Type of partners Kind of partnership required Names of potential partners Targeted country Technological partner Source new technologies? Co develop new products? Strategical partners On site support ? Others? © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 15
Setting up activities abroad How do you plan to grow abroad in the next 3 years? What kind of activities do you plan to set up abroad? Guidelines and questions to address: How do you plan to grow abroad in the 3 coming years (how much is needed in investments, for what purpose, etc.) ? What kind of activities do you plan to set up abroad (commercial, production, R&D, regional headquarters)? Where? You can use a matrix (example below) © Your entreprise Type of operations to be developed abroad When? Where? Commercial team Production R&D Regional headquarters © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 16
Your roll-out How are you going to organise and schedule your company’s next steps in the future months and years? Guidelines and questions to address: How are you going to organise your international development strategy in the next months and/or years? You can detail here the planning of your future actions: main milestones, achievements expected (eg. contract signature with this client, full completion of your installation, first delivery of products, year 1 results etc.) © Your entreprise Main stages Milestones ( & date) Achievements Market study completion Signing with abroad distributor Company launch in country X First commercial agreement Delivery of product etc. © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 17
Investment needed Who are your main shareholders today and what kind of investors are you looking for? Guidelines and questions to address: Who are your main shareholders today (holding more than 25%)? Are you ready to open your capital and to what extent? What kind of investors or financial partners are you looking for (equity, mid term debt, guarantees, treasury)? © Your entreprise Main Shareholders / debtors % Where are they ? Founders Outside investors Expected investors Grants Debt © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 18
Services needed What are your technical assistance and support needs? Guidelines and questions to address: Do you have specific needs in terms of: - Identification of reliable partners ? - Networking (connections, identification of key executives, etc.)? - Business development support (international marketing strategy, participation in fairs, representative office, etc.)? - Coaching and mentoring? - Legal or institutional assistance (lobbying, advocacy)? © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 19
Why MedVentures? © Your entreprise 20 Guidelines and questions to address: Can you explain in a few words what do you think MedVentures may bring to your project? © Your entreprise © ANIMA Investment Network (All rights reserved) 20