Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Weather Factors
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Teaching Topics GROUP 4 Moisture or Humidity (don’t to Relative Humidity) GROUP 3 Moisture in the Atmosphere GROUP 2 WindBarometric Pressure GROUP 1 What is weatherTemperature Prepare a short lesson on your section of the material to present to the class. Describe in detail the information in your notes. You will be “teaching” the class this material. Not me!! You must be able to explain the pictures in your notes. I will have them on the board. Use them as you teach the class.
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom What causes weather? The transfer of energy between: - The sun - Earth’s surface - The Atmosphere. Air rises and cools to form clouds The sun warms earth’s surface increasing its temperature. Water vapor condenses to from precipitation and releases energy into the atmosphere The sun’s energy is used to evaporate water and put moisture into the air. Unequal heating and differences in air pressure cause wind.
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Temperature
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Temperature through the Day
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Factors that affect temperature Cities are Warmer Mountains are Colder Cloudy days are Cooler Cloudy nights are Warmer
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Wind
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Barometric Pressure
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Moisture: Change of State MELTING Uses Heat FREEZING Gives off Heat Sublimation Uses Heat Deposition Gives off Heat Uses Heat EVAPORATION CONDENSATION
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Warm air holds more moisture than cold air.
Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom Relative Humidity