KPMG Programs and Initiatives Blane Ruschak, KPMG LLP Executive Director of Recruiting, University Relations and Recruiting Bette Kozlowski, KPMG LLP Area Director of Campus Recruiting Director University Relations and Recruiting
Faculty Initiatives and Support KPMG University Connection ( Audit, Tax, and Advisory case studies, Webcasts, thought leadership, and news and insights including the award-winning Professional Judgment monograph and Faculty Resource CD Integrated Curriculum Modules for 21st Century Business Challenges by Brian Ballou and Dan Heitger of Miami University New case study to be released this summer: Rigorous or Not?: A Case of Auditor Judgment for Deferred Tax Issues by Jan Taylor Morris of Sam Houston State University Coming Fall 2013: modules on fair value, forensics, listening skills, and intermediate accounting video shorts in the style of Dan Roam The Ethical Compass – A Toolkit for Integrity in Business Developed by Barbara Porco and Steven D’Agustino of Fordham University in collaboration with KPMG’s Ethics and Compliance Timely review of issues related to ethical behaviors in business; eight toolkits with interactive learning materials and classroom exercises
Faculty Initiatives and Support (continued) Professor in Residence Program Opportunity to polish technical skills, increase understanding of workplace/marketplace demands students face Paid residency, typically three to six months; occasionally one-year sabbatical Have hosted 22 professors in various functions, practice areas, and offices Global Classroom Visits KPMG International offices host student and classroom visits An excellent way for your students to hear about doing business outside the United States
Faculty Initiatives and Support (continued) KPMG’s National Instructor Program 16 Tax instructors; 28 Audit instructors Pathways Commission participation Walt Conn – task force on how timely academic research can impact the profession James Powell – task force on accounting education Tim Bell (retired KPMG) – chair of task force on the “practice pipeline” including retired practitioners teaching Blane Ruschak – chair of task force to develop robust faculty-practitioner internship/externship programs Multiyear sponsorship of the AAA annual meeting WOW event This year’s WOW event is being held on Tuesday, August 6, and is an evening of “Accounting with the Angels” Participation in AAA Executive Affiliate Program A platform for a bridge between universities with faculty needs and retired/retiring partners interested in teaching opportunities
Faculty Initiatives and Support (continued) Research collaboration with IAAER – for the IASB and the IAASB Long-standing grant program that promotes research in support of the IASB agenda In its Fourth Round, each round supports four to five research team projects Recently launched a similar grant program to support research focused on international auditing standards process Sponsorship of IAAER Web site and eIFRS database eIFRS database includes standards, interpretations, supporting documentation, and implementation guidance Additional research support KPMG’s Global Services grant program, with the AAA Auditing Section, engages research on current Audit practice issues of interest Participate in two Center for Audit Quality research programs to provide access to Audit professionals Directly assist academic research projects by enabling access to Audit professionals for data collection
Faculty Initiatives and Support (continued) KPMG Foundation KPMG professorships and fellowships Matching Gift Program Support of academic conferences Minority accounting doctoral scholarships PhD Project For your students: KPMG Campus ( Go Magazine KPMG App
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