Animals in The Amazon Rainforest By Heidi Miles
Lesson Plan for Grades 3-5 This lesson provides students with an opportunity to learn about the behaviors and physical characteristics of the animals of the rainforest.
Learning Standards Life Science(Biology) - Page 48, #10: Give examples of how organisms can cause changes in their environment to ensure survival. Explain how some of these changes may affect the ecosystem. Mathematics Ratio and Proportional Relationships – Page 55, #1: Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between to quantities. English Language Arts – Page 12, #9: Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g. opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g. the quest) in stories, myths and traditional literature from different cultures. Social Studies – Page 24, #4: Report on a topic or text, tell a story or recount on experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes: speak clearly at an understandable pace.
Goals To help students understand the importance of the rain forest in our world. They will learn through vocabulary, reading material and chart. Children will experience math, science, English and social studies in one lesson plan. Math will be a counting question based on the number of animals. Science will be on how the environment is necessary for their survival. Language Arts will be based on research on their favorite animal.
Objectives and Materials Objectives: Students will learn the similarities and differences between the animals of the rainforest and the animals that live in the same environments as the students. Materials: Article on animals of the rainforest. Vocabulary Worksheet Adaptation Chart Books, magazines and web resources about the rainforest animals
Evaluation and Instructional Tip Evaluation: Students will be able to name and identify animals of the rainforest. Eight out of ten students should be able to perform experiments. Instructional Tip: Children will have a chart in the classroom of the animals in which to refer.
Modifications and Enrichment Modification: Children will partner up to do their research paper on their agreed upon animal. Enrichment: The students will create a model of the animal that they researched.
Sounds of the Amazon
What Are The Different Animals?
Food Chain
The Destruction of The Rainforest At 2007 rates, it was considered that in two decades the Amazon Rainforest would be reduced by 40% The rate of deforestation is now slowing, and in 2011 deforestation figures were the slowest on record, although the forest is still shrinking. The animals of the rainforest are in danger because they cannot adapt fast enough to their forever decreasing living space.
How We Are Preventing Further Destruction of The Rainforest Today Websites like help to inform people about what they can do to help. Solutions for stopping deforestation: Get big business to implement zero-deforestation policies Consumers can buy recycled or certified wood products, only supporting brands with zero deforestation policies. Politics: We use U.S. laws like the Wilderness Act, Lacey Act and the Roadless Rule to protect U.S. forests and stop illegal wood products from entering the U.S. marketplace. Forests for Climate is a landmark proposal for an international funding mechanism to protect tropical forests.Lacey Act Roadless Rule
The End rain-forest-ecology/lesson- plan/3508.html