Amazon Rainforest Created by Alyssa Hartleib Meghan Steffey Austin Oswald Sam Scicchitano Olivia Velgara Stephanie Vasquez
The Amazon Rainforest Climate
20% of earths oxygen is produced from the Amazon! Accumulates about 9 feet of rain every year! The average Temp. of the Amazon is 79 ̊̊F Because of all the rain, trees have buttress roots to hold it up in the soft soil.
Bromeliads Flower The bromeliads flower is shape as a bowl. Red, green and sometime purple This flower can hold several gallons of water. They will then eventually mature and complete their blooming cycle in one to several years, depending upon the variety and growing conditions very important.
Foxglove Flower Description: It is 6 to 64 feet tall Color: White, ivory, peach, pink, deep rose, purple When this plant dies it becomes poisonous facts: This plant is used to treat heart problems
Bengal Bamboo Description: feet tall Dark green straight, stalked stems. Leaves are long and green Bamboo is large type of grass 2-3 months before fully grown year life span. Facts: used for paper, furniture, making baskets, and reinforcing concrete.
Bougainvillea Flower Description: Can reach over 30 feet tall They can either be tree or vines Like little hearts with drip tips at the end Can be Red,Pink, Orange, White or, Yellow Has thorns facts: People used this as a house plant.
Wax Flower Wax flower represents miniature flowers and leaves resembling pine needles borne on slender, woody stems. Wax flower is very odorous having strong citrus lemon smell when being crushed. Its shaped as a star This can be white, pink This nice plant makes a good filler flower in various designs and floral arrangements.
Jaguar-(pantera onca) Size – 5.5-8ft. Weigh pounds. Four legged animal, gold fur with black spots. Very fast. Habitat – rainforests, deserts, and grasslands Food habits – predator. Variety of animals that include turtles, tapirs, and deer. Reproduction – females have approximately 100 day pregnancy period and can give birth to 2,3, or 4 cubs. Economic importance – ranchers kill them because they pray on live stock. Human impact – threatened with extinction. Interesting fact – great swimmer.
Spider monkey-(genus:ateles) Size – inches not including the tail. Tails are approximately 2-3 feet, and weigh up to 14 pounds. They have 2 arms 2 legs; gray, small with big tails. Habitat – live high in the canopy of the rainforest and seldom venture to the rainforest floor. Food habits – eats fruits, leaves, and nuts and occasionally insects. Reproduction – pregnancy period 7 ½ months. Usually one infant. Economic importance – logging and deforestation continues to shrink the space that the spider monkeys call home. Human impact – locals hunt them for food. Interesting fact – likes to hang upside down using only its tail to hold on to branches.
Poison dart frog-(family:dendrobatidae Size – grow 1-7 center meters in length depending what species. Black, green or blue. Small. Habitat – live near marshes, stream, and rivers. Food habits – termites, crickets, flies, and ants. Reproduction – lay a group of eggs in water which take about 12 days to hatch. Human impact – logging and farming caused no homes for the frogs. Interesting fact - born and raised in captivity poison frogs do not produce the skin toxins they retain.
Giant water otter- (oteronura brasiliensis) Size – feet in length. Weighs from pounds. Chocolate brown but can be reddish. Habitat – fresh water river and streams Food habits – predator mainly feeds on fish, crabs, and snakes. Reproduction - pregnancy period days giving birth to its 1-5 pups with an average of 2. Economic importance – hunted for its fur to make clothing. Human impact – population decreased because of getting hunted for its fur. Interesting fact – when wet, the otter appears nearly black
Anaconda- (Genus:eunectes) Size – grow over 37 feet in length. Really long. Habitat – near the water and swim in the streams and rivers of South Africa. Food habits – predator, hunt by submerging all but its nostrils in the water and wait for its pray. Their diet consists of rodents, fish, birds, turtles, and larger mammals if the snake is big enough. Reproduction – bear live young snakes. Human impact – threatened by deforestation of habitat and threatened for skin. Interesting fact – slow acting digestive system, and can take several weeks or longer to digest its meals.
Humans effecting the environment Humans effect the environment by deforestation. People cut down the tees to make good jobs for people and because wood makes a lot of money in the lumbering industry Humans destroy the animal habitats and ruin there food supply Eventually there will be no trees left in the rain forest and all the animals will die because there habitats were destroyed. If the animals go extinct then the rain forest will be overgrown because the animals will not eat the fruit leaves and plants.
Deforestation in the Amazon
Food web JaguarAnaconda Spider monkeypoison dart froggiant water otter Foxglovewax flowerbromeliads
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Resourses continued.. a&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=5w_YTvusAsfj0QGvopmGDg&biw=1144&bih=671&sei=xhDYTuqAMKXW0 QH72oSODg#um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en- US%3Aofficial&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Bougainvillea+Flower+&oq=Bougainvillea+Flower+&aq=f&aqi=g2g- S8&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=18393l21559l4l22717l1l1l0l0l0l0l101l101l0.1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=cefa49c9f9 13aa12&biw=1144&bih=671l0.1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=cefa49c9f9 13aa12&biw=1144&bih=671 a&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=5w_YTvusAsfj0QGvopmGDg&biw=1144&bih=671&sei=xhDYTuqAMKXW0 QH72oSODg#um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en- US%3Aofficial&tbs=isz:m&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=deforestation+in+the+amazon&pbx=1&oq=deforestation+in&aq=0&aqi=g10& aql=&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=2282l2649l4l4003l3l3l0l0l0l0l185l425l1.2l3l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d4855e5274bb3dfd &biw=1144&bih=671l0l0l185l425l1.2l3l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d4855e5274bb3dfd &biw=1144&bih=671 a&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=5w_YTvusAsfj0QGvopmGDg&biw=1144&bih=671&sei=xhDYTuqAMKXW0 QH72oSODg#um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en- US%3Aofficial&tbs=isz:m&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=spider+monkeys&pbx=1&oq=spider+monkeys&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e &gs_upl=572792l579342l0l579519l40l21l0l4l4l4l293l2407l2.8.4l16l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d4855e5274bb3dfd &biw=1144&bih=671l293l2407l2.8.4l16l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d4855e5274bb3dfd &biw=1144&bih=