8h00 to 9h00 9h00 to 9h15 10h45 to 11h15 11h15 to 12h45 Registration Opening Speech Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo Forbes – President of the CAM/CCBC Panel 1 - A diagnosis of the current crisis in Brazil. Rising opportunity to resort to arbitration as a means of reduction of transaction costs in times of crisis Luciano Coutinho (President of the BNDES - Brazil) José María-Alonso (Arbitrator and Lawyer – Spain) confirmed Diana Droulers (Lawyer - Venezuela) confirmed Cláudio Finkelstein (Lawyer and Arbitrator – Brazil) confirmed Rodrigo Garcia Fonseca (Arbitrator and Lawyer - Brazil) confirmed Gilberto Giusti – moderator (Vice-President of the CAM/CCBC - Brazil) confirmed 9h15 to 10h45 Coffee Break Panel 2 - Conflicts in cases of bankruptcy and court-supervised reorganization In times of crisis, the number of cases of bankruptcy and court-supervised reorganization increases. The panel shall discuss arbitration as an effective mechanism for the solution of bankruptcy and court-supervised reorganization conflicts. Requirements, injunctions and advantages. Manoel Pereira Calças – (Superior Court Judge of the Tribunal of Justice of the State of Sao Paulo – Corporate Law Office and Private Law Office - Brazil) confirmed Paula Forgioni – moderator - (Arbitrator and Professor USP- Brazil) confirmed 10/26 Arbitration Today "The following schedule is yet to be confirmed by speakers and moderators."
12h45 to 14h45 16h15 to 16h45 16h45 to 18h15 Lunch Break Panel 3 - Challenges of commercial arbitration involving public entities, direct or indirect. The State increasingly requires more partnerships with private entities in order to perform its activities, especially in times of crisis. The panel shall discuss objective arbitrability, enforcement immunity, among other subjects. John Fellas (Arbitrator and Lawyer – USA) Álvaro Galindo (International Counsel, Dechert LLP – USA) confirmed Alejandro Ponce ( Arbitrator and Lawyer – Ecuador) confirmed Guido Tawill (Arbitrator and Lawyer – Argentina) confirmed Pedro Batista Martins (Member of the Advisory Committee- of the CAM/CCBC- Brazil) confirmed 14h45 to 16h15 Coffee Break Panel 4 Crisis and non-performance: limitation of liability and penalty clause. In times of crisis, more difficulties are presented in fulfilling the contract. The panel shall discuss both recurring subjects. José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez ( Lawyer – Paraguay) Víctor Ruiz (Lawyer – Mexico) confirmed José Carlos de Magalhães – moderator (Member of the Advisory Committee of the CAM/CCBC - Brazil) confirmed 10/26 Arbitration Today
8h00 to 9h00 10h30 to 11h00 11h00 to 12h30 Registration Panel 5 - Hardship and force majeure. The duty to mitigate the loss. In times of crisis, there is also an increase in the number of cases of hardship and force majeure. Its outlines and obstacles shall be discussed by this panel. Giovanni Nanni (Arbitrator and Lawyer – Brazil) confirmed Yves Derains (Vice-President of the CAM/CCBC - France) confirmed Horacio Grigera Naón (Arbitrator e Lawyer - Argentina) confirmed Maurício Almeida Prado (Arbitrator and Lawyer - Brazil) confirmed Álvaro Rodrigo Castellanos Howell (Arbitrator and Lawyer – Guatemala) Mauricio Gomm – moderator (“Vice-President of CAM/CCBC - Brazil”) confirmed 9h00 to 10h30 Coffee Break Panel 6 - Third party funding in arbitration In times of crisis, there in an increasing demand for third party funding in arbitration. The panel shall discuss: the phenomenon of the increase use of this instrument, how the funding is structured, the power of the third party in the arbitration proceeding and arbitrator disclosure. Narghis Torres (Lex Finance – Peru) Felipe Ossa (Lawyer – Chile) Luciano Timm (Arbitrator and Lawyer – Brazil) confirmed Dyalá Jimenez (Arbitrator and Lawyer – Costa Rica) confirmed Selma Ferreira Lemes – moderator (Member of the Advisory Committee of the CAM/CCBC – Brazil) confirmed 10/27 Arbitration Tomorrow
12h30 to 14h30 16h00 to 16h30 16h30 to 18h00 Lunch Break Panel 7 - The future and arbitration practices What can we expect from the future? Which developments can be projected for countries in America? The panel shall discuss the need of new soft law instruments (for instance, regarding ethical matters for lawyers) and which improvements can still be made in all of America. Eduardo Zuleta (President of the IBA) confirmed Julie Bedard (Lawyer – USA) confirmed José Astigarraga (Lawyer and Arbitrator – USA) confirmed Adriana Braghetta (Arbitrator and Lawyer – Brazil) confirmed Carlos Soto – moderator (Lawyer and Arbitrator – Peru) conformed 14h30 to 16h00 Coffee Break Panel 8 - The new Arbitration Act in Brazil and its application What can be expected from the revision of the arbitration act? Carlos Alberto Carmona (Arbitrator and Lawyer – member of the Senate’s commission for revision of the arbitration act - Brazil) confirmed Claudia Benavides (Arbitrator and Lawyer – Colombia) confirmed Eleonora Coelho (General Secretary of the CAM-CCBC - member of the Senate’s commission for revision of the arbitration act - Brazil) confirmed Minister Luis Felipe Salomão (STJ Minister and president of the Senate’s commission for revision of the arbitration act - Brazil) Ricardo Aprigliano (Lawyer and Arbitrator – Brazil) confirmed Luiz Périssé – moderator (Vice-President of the CAM/CCBC - Brazil) confirmed 10/27 Arbitration Tomorrow