Use of English II Understanding Communication
ELEMENTS IN THE PROCESS SenderSender MessageMessage Channel/MediumChannel/Medium ReceiverReceiver FeedbackFeedback
Describing the Process ConceptualizationConceptualization EncodingEncoding Selection of Channel/MediumSelection of Channel/Medium DecodingDecoding InterpretationInterpretation FeedbackFeedback
Sender/Source (Message conceived) Encoding message (sender role) Channel/Medium (communication tools selected) Decoding message Message received /interpreted (receiver role) Feedback supplied Theory & Process of Communication
Communication takes place in a variety of settings:Communication takes place in a variety of settings: –Intra-personal –Interpersonal –Small-group –Public communication –Mass communication –Inter-cultural communication –Organizational communication
Intra-personal communication Communicating with yourself Thinking, daydreaming, solving problems, imagining. Also includes all physical feedback mechanisms –S–S–S–Sensations of hunger, pain, pleasure.
Inter-personal communication The interaction of two or more people. –T–T–T–The one-on-one setting Direct contact of one person with another person. –E–E–E–E.g. interviews, conversations, intimate communication
Small-group communication Interaction between 4-6 people.Interaction between 4-6 people. Requires the following conditions:Requires the following conditions: –Leadership –Equal sharing of ideas –Peer pressure –Roles & norms –Focus on a common goal One of the most important communication settings.One of the most important communication settings. It exists everywhereIt exists everywhere – family, interview teams, work groups, military teams, business groups.
Public communication When one person talks to several others and is the dominant focus of the communication.When one person talks to several others and is the dominant focus of the communication. –E.g. speaker and an audience – speech, debate, general devotion Defining characteristicsDefining characteristics –One person is identified as the primary sender of messages –Others function primarily as receivers of those messages
Mass communication This communication begins to function when a message needs help to get from its source to its destination.This communication begins to function when a message needs help to get from its source to its destination. Some form of medium is needed to connect the sender to receiverSome form of medium is needed to connect the sender to receiver –Media may be print (newspaper/magazine), electrical (radio, television, video), or electronic (computer modem)
Mass communication con’d Defining characteristicDefining characteristic –Something comes bet. direct communication of sender & receiver –Usually a delay in sending & receiving messages, and in the feedback (if any)
Organizational communication Focuses on inter-personal, small-group, public and mass communication as they interact in a complex, multi-group setting.Focuses on inter-personal, small-group, public and mass communication as they interact in a complex, multi-group setting. –E.g. business, government, and educational institutions
Intercultural communication Sometimes called “cross-cultural communication”Sometimes called “cross-cultural communication” This context describes what happens when the sender of a message is from a different cultural background than the intended receiver.This context describes what happens when the sender of a message is from a different cultural background than the intended receiver. E.g. a person can communicate with someone who does not share the same culture; communicating across social sub-groupsE.g. a person can communicate with someone who does not share the same culture; communicating across social sub-groups
ACTIVITY Jim’s computer Mum, will be home this Saturday. Pick me up from the airport. Love, Jim. Mum’s computer Sorry, Son. Take a Taxi. Will be in a Meeting. Mum.
Complete the following: Sender:Message:Medium:Channel:Feedback:
ANSWER Sender: JimSender: Jim Message: To pick him up at the airport this SaturdayMessage: To pick him up at the airport this Saturday Medium: Electronic mail ( )Medium: Electronic mail ( ) Channel: ComputerChannel: Computer Feedback: She cannot pick him up; heFeedback: She cannot pick him up; he should take a taxi. should take a taxi.