Introduction… “Billions of people around the world are religious, following faiths such as Islam, Christianity and Buddhism…” “Why is it that some people believe in a God and some people are so strongly atheist that they will not consider the idea of a supreme being?”
Upbringing – country / parents Experiences Peer influence Holy books Go to church
The design argument Creation of the universe Suffering First Cause Religious experiences
Do not write these arguments out … refer to them and apply them to your article. William Paley said that if you found a watch when you were walking in a field, you would know that it didn’t just appear…. Some people think that the universe is so complicated that it could not be down to chance. They say that Planet Earth is so beautiful that it must have had a designer or creator.
Ask people and quote some of their comments I don’t believe in God because he would stop people dying from cancer
What is the biggest impact that religion has on our world? Explain how religion had an impact on Martin Luther King or Mother Teresa How do you think belief in a religion can changes people’s lives?
Is there an answer? Will people always disagree? What difference does it make? Does it matter? Would people live their lives the same way?
SectionsLevel 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Beliefs about God Use the correct words to describe and show an understanding of Beliefs about God Refer to some similar / different religious beliefs about God - Christianity / Islam / Judaism Express your own an insight and understanding into the similar /different beliefs about God Introduce the topic – the importance of religion and statics of people who follow different religions Design Argument / Creation Explain the arguments for / against God Raise some thoughtful questions about the Existence of God /life and its purpose and suggest some answers that you have learnt about in lesson In detail explain the arguments why some one believes / doesn’t believe in God Express reasoned response to deeper questions raised in RE and show understanding of how these questions have been answered by others from religious, philosophical and scientific traditions. Explain the arguments of why some one believes / doesn’t believe in God and include your opinion on these arguments Present some arguments from religious ideas about the existence of God, using appropriate sources (Quotes) and relating to the meaning and purpose of life Explain the arguments – refer to different religions and your opinion on the validity of the argument Weigh up a range of viewpoints on questions arising out of the religious ideas about God Justify my own reasoned response to these arguments First Cause Argument Science – Big Bang / Evolution Suffering Describe how suffering causes a problem to belief in God Show a reasoned understanding of why people might doubt God’s existence due to suffering in our world Include examples (real cases) in your work of how suffering has caused people to either believe or not believe in God Refer to how suffering contradicts an “all loving God” Refer to some reasons why a god may allow suffering (Free Will) Include your opinion fully justified Impact of Beliefs Describe how a person’s/group’s beliefs affect the way they live; Explain how a religion affects the lives of individuals and communities, using the right language – Why would someone want to believe in a God? Describe in detail the impact of belief in God on others and the world – What are the positive ideas of believing in a God? How would it help people? How does belief in god change our world – does it make the world a better place? Explain your opinion Conclusion Explain whether you believe in God and why Explain your opinion in detail on whether you believe in God or not Draw a justified conclusion on whether or not God exists Express my own personal and critical insights on what I believe to be true and how this has come about Word Count