Baroque Period Irregularly Shaped Pearl
During this era the power of the monarchy and church was restored. This control required that artist abandon previous artistic styles. Excessive ornamentation in art was valued.
Florence and Venice no longer dominated the artistic world, instead the new center was Rome. The Broque style first appeared in the 1500s.
"Baroque" comes from a Portuguese word meaning "irregularly shaped pearl". This wierd phrase describes the excess ornamentation and emotion expressed in the arts.
Caravaggio Italian artist who moved to Rome and concentrated on painting portraits, still life, historical paintings on religious subjects.
Caravaggio proved to be a controversal figure in Rome. Caravaggio's temper and attitude didn't win any friends. Caravaggio's painting methods also proved controversal.
Despite Caravaggio's religious beliefs (naturalist), he was commisioned to create a number of works. Some of these works were refused because Caravaggio's artictic choices
Despite the controversial nature of Caravaggio's work, he did become famous and regarded as one of the most remarkable painters of the time.
Rembrandt Arguablely most well-known Baroque period. Dutch artist who spent his entire life in the Netherlands