S. Li 1,2, Y. Liu 1 E. Monnier 2, Z. Zhao 1 Center of Particle Physics and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China 1 & Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, CNRS/IN2P3 2 1
No need to apply Electron Energy rescale for 2011 data (Rel 16.6): yScaleResolutionRecommendations#2011_data_Release_16 _6 yScaleResolutionRecommendations#2011_data_Release_16 _6 No need to apply Jet OffsetEtaJES correction for 2011 data if > release, no new JetUserGuide available. Jet_*OriginEM yielding 0 value for both 2011 data and mc10, need consulting the latest MC10 approximation in the latest JetUserGuide version: etETMiss/JetUserGuide/tags/JetUserGuide /AtlasJetUserGuide.pdf etETMiss/JetUserGuide/tags/JetUserGuide /AtlasJetUserGuide.pdf New WW baseline heading for pLHC using 2011 data only: ecutsforWWatPLHC ecutsforWWatPLHC 2
Both tight and medium+iso+Blayer electron ID spotted the same 9 events in black Green colored: events came up when increasing the jet pt threshold for tight Yellow colored: events came up when increasing the jet pt threshold for medium 3 chRun Number Event Number LBMETrel /GeV pT(ll) /GeV Inv.M(ll) /GeV ee eµ eµ eµ µµ (MET=52.5) µµ µµ µµ µµ eµ (MET=30.9) µµ eµ eµ
eeeµµµAll ch TMTMTMTM Data WW→ll ± ± 0.07 DiBoson ± ± 0.17 Top ± ± 0.05 Wjets ± ±0.95 Zjets ± ± 0.39 DrellYan 0. WW→l+tau ± ± 0.02 JF
eeeµµµAll ch TMTMTMTM Data WW→ll ± ± 0.06 DiBoson ± ± 0.07 Top ± ± 0.05 Wjets ± ± 0.30 Zjets ± ± 0.27 DrellYan 0. WW→l+tau ± ± 0.02 JF
eeeµµµAll ch TMTMTMTM Data WW→ll ± ± 0.06 DiBoson ± ± 0.07 Top ± ± 0.05 Wjets ± ± 0.31 Zjets ± ± 0.27 DrellYan 0. WW→l+tau ± ± 0.02 JF
Sample fake factor Electron Tight ID Medium+ Iso+ Bayer Medium++ +new iso Medium++ +old iso Data JF Data with MC subtraction Elec ID Channel s WW Events (1fakeable +1ID) WW Events (1fakeable +1ID) With MC subtracted WW Events ( 2ID leptons) Expected Wjets backgroun d Tight ee eµeµ Medium+ Iso + Bayer ee eµeµ Medium++ +new iso ee eµeµ Medium++ +old iso ee eµeµ
All with bunch train pile-up MC10 samples with no reweighting applied An impression of dramatic background enriching due to the medium+iso+Blayer for Electron ID mainly from Wjets, more intensive study needed to be done as soon as possible(Medium++? Need to be cross- checked with John Alison) Accurate estimation needs to be done using data-driven(Wjets, DY background etc.) 35
Using New Medium+iso+Blayer Electron ID study presented by Jochen Hartert: New Electron ID selection introduced recently(not optimized): egammaPID::ElectronMedium_WithTrackMatch (*Note that: el_loose, el_medium, el_tight available for 2011 egamma D3PD) New Electron Isolation correction applied: (OLD: etcone20_pt_corrected<4GeV, not in d3pd, need to be re-calculated) n.h n.h (NEW: caloIso98, using dedicated el_isIso mask (based on etcone30/ET, bin-by-bin tuned, flatter efficiency, better QCD rejection power) stb5/source/atlas/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaInterfaces/egammaInterfaces/egammaIsolationMVATopToo lDefs.h stb5/source/atlas/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaInterfaces/egammaInterfaces/egammaIsolationMVATopToo lDefs.h egammaPID::TrackBlayer_Electron as Blayer requirement instead of simply NBLHits>0 if any hits are expected Electron/Muon MC10 smearing applied(Job Running, ~100 MC samples!) Using the same random seeding policy for electron and muon: Rndm_seed = EventNumber+index*100 Using ERescaler Tool for Electron smearing and refer to MCP release 16 smearing recommendation: PileUp reweighting for mc10? Not yet, currently using non-pileup MC. o Different reweighting for e and µ, need to be discussed (mainly due to period difference) o Tested w/ and w/o rel15 reweighting, no dramatic impact! o Running on bunch train pile-up samples also, not yet finished 39
OffsetEtaJES correction required for both data and MC suggested by Jet experts: (Toshi Sumida & Caterina Doglioni) ombPerf/JetETMiss/JetUserGuide/tags/JetUserGui de /AtlasJetUserGuide.pdf ombPerf/JetETMiss/JetUserGuide/tags/JetUserGui de /AtlasJetUserGuide.pdf Not optimal especially for bunch train pile-up MC Negative Energy *full scaled* jets need to be cleaned due to a D3PDmaker level bug. (Mainly in forward region?) EtaOriginEM, PhiOriginEM, MOriginEM mostly(?) yield 0 in current MC samples as well as in 2011 data(?), should refer to the latest ATLAS Jet User guide so as to approximately recover them(the one on Jet/Etmiss twiki is obsolete!) 40
7 new candidates spotted w/ old Iso, 2 disappeared w/ new caloIso98 41
chRunNum ber EventNu mber LBMETrel /GeV pT(ll) /GeV Inv.M(ll) /GeV ee eµ eµ eµ eµ eµ eµ Yellow: killed with NEW caloIso98 Electron ID!
eeeµµµAll ch TMTMTMTM Data ±2.8315± 3.87 WW→ll ± ±0.11 DiBoson ± ±0.32 Top ± ±0.20 Wjets ± ± 3.79 Zjets ±1.42 DrellYan 0. WW→l+tau ± ±0.03 JF
eeeµµµAll ch TMTMTMTM Data ±2.8313± 3.61 WW→ll ± ± 0.11 DiBoson ± ± 0.32 Top ± ± 0.20 Wjets ± ± 3.58 Zjets ± 1.42 DrellYan 0. WW→l+tau ± ± 0.03 JF