Cell Division Meiosis
Chromosome Number of Different Species Homo sapiens (human) 46 Mus musculus (house mouse) 40 Zea mays(corn or maize) 20 Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) 8 Xenopus laevis (South African clawed frog) 36 Caenorhabditis elegans (microscopic roundworm) 12 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast) 32 Canis familiaris (domestic dog) 78 Arabidopsis thaliana (plant in the mustard family) 10 Muntiacus reevesi (the Chinese muntjac, a deer) Muntiacus muntjac (its Indian cousin) 6 Myrmecia pilosula (an ant) 2 Parascaris equorum var. univalens (parasitic roundworm) Cambarus clarkii (a crayfish) 200 Equisetum arvense (field horsetail, a plant) 216
Chromosome Vocabulary DNA Doubles during interphase (S phase) Chromosome Forms during prophase Become sister chromatids
Homologous Chromosomes: Members of a pair of chromosomes One – Mom One – Dad Same size Same shape (centromere location) Same number and type of genes
Homologous Chromosomes: Specific gene information may differ (brown eyes from mom, blue eyes from dad)
Homologous Chromosomes: Same banding pattern when stained and viewed under a microscope. Bands DO NOT indicate genes.
Types of Chromosomes: Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
Types of Chromosomes: 2 Types: Autosomes: Members of chromosome pairs #1-22.
Types of Chromosomes: 2 Types: Sex Chromosomes: Members of chromosome pair #23 Females = XX Males = XY
Sex Chromosomes ALL pairs are homologous in females because they have two X chromosomes The sex chromosomes of males are NOT homologous, they have one X and one Y
Diploid vs. Haploid Diploid: two sets of chromosomes Each chromosome has a homologous pair– there is one from each parent! They have the same type of genes but are not identical Human body cells: 23 PAIRS 46 total
Diploid vs. Haploid Haploid: one set of chromosomes Why would you want just one set of chromosomes in a cell? SEXUAL REPRODUCTION! Human gametes: 23 total
Why do we need meiosis? Meiosis is necessary to halve the number of chromosomes going into the sex cells Gametes are haploid (1n) + 1 N sperm 1 N egg 2N zygote
Why do we need meiosis? + Fertilization Male and female sex cells will provide ½ of the chromosomes each Offspring has genes from both parents 1n + 1n = 2n + 1 N sperm 1 N egg 2N zygote
Video Clip Worksheet 17: Meiosis Overview
Meiosis Summary Two divisions - Meiosis 1: - like mitosis, but not quite - creates 2 cells (haploid) - Meiosis 2: - divides again - creates 4 gametes (haploid)
Meiosis Summary Parent cell – chromosome pair Chromosomes copied 1st division - pairs split 2nd division – produces 4 gamete cells with ½ the original # of chromosomes
Meiosis I – Prophase I Nuclear envelope dissolves
Meiosis I – Prophase I Tetrads form Crossing Over Homologous pair links together Crossing Over
Crossing Over in Prophase I Homologues break at identical locations, Rejoin opposite partners Occurs randomly several times on every chromosome Results in mixing of the genes you inherited from your parents Crossing over is NOT a mutation
Meiosis I – Metaphase I Tetrads line up in middle Spindle fibers attach Independent Assortment
Independent Assortment Metaphase I Principle of Independent Assortment—Genes for different traits (on different chromosomes) can separate independently of each other. --Happens because homologous pairs line up in random order on random sides during Metaphase I
Meiosis I – Anaphase I Fibers pull homologous chromosomes apart Sister chromatids are still connected! (2 X’s are separating from each other)
Meiosis I – Telophase I Cell separated into two cells Nuclear membrane forms
Meiosis II – Prophase II Nuclear membranes dissolve New spindle fibers form
Meiosis II – Metaphase II Sister chromatids connect to spindle fibers Line up in the middle
Meiosis II – Anaphase II Sister chromatids separate
Meiosis II – Telophase II Cells divide Now there are 4 haploid cells!
Meiosis I Meiosis II
Steps of Meiosis I and II
Video Clip Worksheet 18: Animal Cell Meiosis
Cell Division Products of Mitosis: Two identical cells Somatic cells AKA body cells Diploid Products of Meiosis: Four different cells Gametes AKA sex cells Haploid
Comparing Meiosis and Mitosis
Your Turn! Mitosis and Meiosis Worksheet