COMMON CORE FOCUS #9 Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person’s life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account. Concepts: accounts, mediums, details Skills: analyze, determine
LEARNING TARGETS For today’s CCE: I can determine which details are emphasized in each medium I can analyze the similarities and the differences between the details of two media
WHAT IS MEDIA? First things first: Medium = singular; media = plural Definition of media: A means or channel of general communication, information, or entertainment in society Examples: radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books, paintings, photographs, live performances, movies, podcasts, blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ooVoo, Skype, YouTube
REVIEW OF RAFT R ole What role does the speaker play? What is his/her overall goal (purpose) in writing the text? What words or phrases lead you to your conclusion? A udience Who is the author’s intended audience? Who is s/he trying to reach with his/her message? What words of phrases lead you to your conclusion? F ormat What form does the author’s message take? Is the format s/he chose the most effective means of communicating his/her message? Why or why not? Is this a persuasive, narrative, or informative text? How can you tell? T opic What is the author’s overall topic? What is s/he trying to get his/her audience to do? How can you tell?
DOUBLE RAFT To compare similarities and contrast differences, we can create a double RAFT Medium #1Medium #2 Role Audience Format Topic
LET’S PRACTICE On one side is an African American Spiritual, “Wade in the Water” (medium = song) On the other side is a famous wood engraving, River Baptism, by Howard Cook (medium = visual art) Let’s compare similarities and contrast differences between media
“Wade in the Water” Spiritual River Baptism by Howard Cook Role- What role does the speaker play? What is his/her overall goal (purpose) in writing the text? What words or phrases lead you to your conclusion? Audience- Who is the author’s intended audience? Who is s/he trying to reach with his/her message? What words of phrases lead you to your conclusion? Format- What form does the author’s message take? Is the format s/he chose the most effective means of communicating his/her message? Why or why not? Is this a persuasive, narrative, or informative text? How can you tell? Topic- What is the author’s overall topic? What is s/he trying to get his/her audience to do? How can you tell?