“Building a Smarter Forest” -Joe Otis
Summary Several computer scientists are testing a thesis involving the use of robots in forests in order to help prevent forest fires and prepare plans in the event that a wildfire breaks out. They envision a grid-based system focusing on detecting abnormal changes in temperature and reporting to a central command center. This command center would ideally send out alerts to the authorities and those living in the vicinity, acting as an advanced warning system when natural disasters occur.
Decision-Making Process 1.The ethical issue in this case is the use of robots and other technology in national parks and forests, and the potential harming of nature. 2.The stakeholders are: the forest itself and the companies that produce and maintain the robots. 3.Three possible solutions: i.)Do nothing. Best: The wildlife is preserved. Worst: A preventable wildfire breaks out. ii.)Fully implement the system and robots. Best: Wildfires are prevented and the robots fail to harm the forest. Worst: The robots are damaged/destroyed and cause more harm to the forest than is prevented. iii.)Implement some robots, but with limited interference with the wildlife. Best: A large percentage of natural disasters are prevented. Worst: The impact is too small to be worth it, and minor damages occur. I would choose the third solution, mostly as a test to see how much of an impact the systems could potentially make.
4.I would be willing for this solution to be used. It helps both parties by allowing testing of a potentially helpful system to the environment, and creates jobs. Any harm done would be to the forests, but with carefully-done testing and trials, this can be minimal. 5.Yes, this is a natural solution. Human nature tends toward testing and gathering an informed opinion before completely committing to a situation. It is a very balanced situation. 6.Based on the low level of potential impact (very few wildfire-based deaths), there might not be overwhelming support at first, as environmentalists may get touchy about scientific research and robotic testing interfering with nature. 7.This seems like the best solution to me, and lines up just fine with my beliefs. 8.Pragmatism. This solution is focused mainly on testing and figuring out what is best for the general public and environment. And uses experimentation to find these answers. Decision-Making Process (pt. 2)
ACM Code The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct seems to be fine with my proposed solution and the situation in general. The main focus is the contribution to society and human well-being, which also happens to be the first point of the ACM Code. Not only does this article point toward avoiding harm to others, it seeks to minimize/prevent it altogether. With the high amount of coordination between various industries and companies, the moral side of the ACM Code is very much put into action throughout this whole scenario.