Rick Swanson USDA Forest Service U.S. Forest Service: C&I’s for: The World’s Largest Water Company U.S. Forest Service: C&I’s for: The World’s Largest Water Company
Due to topography, location, vegetation and geology of the National Forest System, its lands have a critical influence on the quantity and quality of the nation’s waters. USDA Forest Service & Water
The roots of the Forest Service are in watershed management Gifford Pinchot believed that we ought to value forests for their “effects on the climate and floods, rainfall and runoff, springs and erosion.” USDA Forest Service & Water
The National Forests & Water The most valuable and perhaps of late, least appreciated resource on the National Forests is water. USDA Forest Service & Water
53% US water supply originates on forested land – 29% of the surface area NFS lands are the largest single source of water in the continental U.S. 9% land base – 18% total US runoff In the Western US 51% of the water supply originates on NFS lands 53% US water supply originates on forested land – 29% of the surface area NFS lands are the largest single source of water in the continental U.S. 9% land base – 18% total US runoff In the Western US 51% of the water supply originates on NFS lands USDA Forest Service & Water
Over 3,400 communities rely on NFS lands in 33 states for their drinking water serving over 66 million people. USDA Forest Service & Water
Recreation & Aquatic Species Over 200,000 miles,>2 million surface acres, providing>46 million recreational angler days,>150 million pounds of commercial harvest. - >8.5 billion in annual economic benefit, >94,000 existing jobs. Highest concentration and diversity of T&E aquatic species that depend on high-quality water. Over 200,000 miles,>2 million surface acres, providing>46 million recreational angler days,>150 million pounds of commercial harvest. - >8.5 billion in annual economic benefit, >94,000 existing jobs. Highest concentration and diversity of T&E aquatic species that depend on high-quality water. USDA Forest Service & Water
Forest Service-Influenced Critical Watersheds for Freshwater Fish & Mussel Species USDA Forest Service & Water
The total value of water from NFS Lands, in terms of instream and offstream uses is estimated to exceed $7.2 billion a year. USDA Forest Service & Water
Denver’s water supply reservoir after Buffalo Creek fire USDA Forest Service & Water
Denver’s water supply reservoir after Buffalo Creek fire USDA Forest Service & Water
Protecting & Restoring National Assets New York City’s Watershed Water supply system is 150 miles away from the city in Catskill/ Delaware area, provides 1.3 billion gallons daily to 9 million people. Catskill/Delaware area is primarily agricultural and forested land most of them privately owned Water supply system is 150 miles away from the city in Catskill/ Delaware area, provides 1.3 billion gallons daily to 9 million people. Catskill/Delaware area is primarily agricultural and forested land most of them privately owned USDA Forest Service & Water
Use of SWRR Criteria at the National Level Use of SWRR Criteria at the National Level Water Availability Water Quality Human Uses and Health Environmental Health Infrastructure and Institutions Water Availability Water Quality Human Uses and Health Environmental Health Infrastructure and Institutions USDA Forest Service & Water
Water Availability Indices USGS Stream Gauging Stations Snow Pack Monitoring Diversions (number and removals) Bypass Flow Requirements Reservoir Storage USGS Stream Gauging Stations Snow Pack Monitoring Diversions (number and removals) Bypass Flow Requirements Reservoir Storage USDA Forest Service & Water
Water Quality Indices 303(d) Listed Streams Watershed Condition Class (5 th HUC) Proportion of Watersheds meeting BMP’s 404 Permits Issued TMDL Development PFC Riparian Habitats 303(d) Listed Streams Watershed Condition Class (5 th HUC) Proportion of Watersheds meeting BMP’s 404 Permits Issued TMDL Development PFC Riparian Habitats USDA Forest Service & Water
Human Uses and Health Indices Diversions (Ag, Energy Dev, Mining, etc) Groundwater withdrawals Rec. Res. (Septic & Withdraw-SUA’s) Commercial fish production Recreational Uses Monitoring Emergency Closures (Water Borne) Diversions (Ag, Energy Dev, Mining, etc) Groundwater withdrawals Rec. Res. (Septic & Withdraw-SUA’s) Commercial fish production Recreational Uses Monitoring Emergency Closures (Water Borne) USDA Forest Service & Water
Environmental Health Indices Watershed Condition Class Watershed Fuel Hazard Ratings Macroinvertebrate Indices Atmospheric Deposition/Water Quality Species Viability Assessments Watershed Assessments Regional Assessments Watershed Condition Class Watershed Fuel Hazard Ratings Macroinvertebrate Indices Atmospheric Deposition/Water Quality Species Viability Assessments Watershed Assessments Regional Assessments USDA Forest Service & Water
Infrastructure and Institutional Indices Dams and Reservoirs (# and acres) Municipal Watersheds (# and acres) Treatment Facilities (# and capacity) Trans-basin diversions (length) Over appropriated watersheds Federal Reserve Water Rights Dams and Reservoirs (# and acres) Municipal Watersheds (# and acres) Treatment Facilities (# and capacity) Trans-basin diversions (length) Over appropriated watersheds Federal Reserve Water Rights USDA Forest Service & Water
Integration and Institutionalization of Sustainable Water Resource Criteria and Indicators National Level – Strategic Plan, PART performance / accountability Regional Level – Broad-scale Assessments Forest Level – Forest Plan National Level – Strategic Plan, PART performance / accountability Regional Level – Broad-scale Assessments Forest Level – Forest Plan USDA Forest Service & Water
We can leave no greater gift for our children than to leave the watersheds entrusted to our care healthier, more diverse, and more productive. USDA Forest Service & Water