September 11, 2001 Prime suspect, Osama bin Laden Muslim – someone who believed in and practices the religion of Islam One billion Muslims in the world – most are not militant fundamentalists – believe that any action is justified to drive American influence out of the Arab world
Afghanistan War Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to support their pro- communist government. Muslims came from across Middle East to fight Soviets Osama bin Laden – came from Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest family – formed al Qaeda or “the Base”. Provided arms for Afghan soldiers – became hero when Soviets withdrew. Killed by US May 1, 2011
Terrorist Acts Taliban – drive Americans and non-Muslims out of Middle East 1998 – truck bombs exploded at US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania Late terrorist arrested trying to smuggle explosives into US to target Seattle Oct – terrorists backed by al Qaeda crashed boat of explosives into USS Cole refueling in Yemen
Fair Treatment Pres. Bush asked that Americans uphold nation’s values and treat Muslim Americans fairly. Pres. Bush started fund for Afghan children who were orphans – hungry Threat of anthrax – animal disease- spores on letters mailed caused concern – no suspects had been identified.
Protecting America US military put on high alert – security at airports tightened – Dept. of Homeland Security – Pa. Gov. Tom Ridge appointed to counter-terrorism in US USA Patriot Act of 2001 – gave FBI and federal prosecutors more powers involving acts of terrorism. Federal agents could tap phones- internet –secret search of property Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft
Trail of Terrorism Afghanistan controlled by Taliban – discriminated against women and intolerant of other religions. US attacked Taliban and al Qaeda forces on Oct. 7, Opposition forces, the Northern Alliance, will force out Taliban and create an interim government. Dec terrorist from Kashmir, northern India, attacked India’s parliament. India’s leaders blamed Pakistan
Trail of Terrorism India & Pakistan both had nuclear weapons – would not stop fighting. Palestinian terrorists began suicide bombing in public places in Israel. Israel’s army soon invaded Palestinian cities Pres. Bush announced creation of Palestine – asked Israel to stop raiding Pres. Bush warned any nation harboring or supporting terrorism to be an enemy of the US
Weapons of Mass Destruction Pres. Bush singled out Iraq, Iran, and North Korea ( restarted nuclear weapons program) Iraq – S. Hussein used chemical weapons on Iran and Kurds (ethnic minority) Sept. 12, 2002 – Bush asked UN to pass law demanding Iraq give up weapons. Oct. Congress authorized use of force – Nov. deadline for inspectors
Weapons of Mass Destruction Iraq allowed inspectors into country – Bush claimed Iraq was hiding them Mar. 20, 2003, US military with Britain attacked Iraq’s army – Hussein ousted from power. Dec Saddam captured – hanged Dec. 30, 2006 – requested to be shot.