GCM, Nessebar – Bulgaria 10th of October 2014 1 Cooperation with European Commission Congress 2013 – GCM 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

GCM, Nessebar – Bulgaria 10th of October Cooperation with European Commission Congress 2013 – GCM 2014

GCM, Nessebar – Bulgaria 10th of October Advisory Group on Forestry and Cork – new Civil Dialogue Group on Forestry and Cork Dec. 2013Commission Decicion about building of new Civil Dialogue Groups (CDG) for the next 7 years Jan 2014Resolution on the new CDG´s by the Advisory Group on Forestry and Cork March 2014Call for applications with a detailed questionnaire May 2014last Advisory Group Meeting July 2014decision on the composition of the CDG`s and Information Meeting in Brussels Sept second Information Meeting Dec. 2014first meeting of the new CDG on Forestry and Cork

GCM, Nessebar – Bulgaria 10th of October Advisory Group on Forest Based Industries – new Expert Group on Forest Based Industries June 2014Commission Decicion about building a Expert Group on Forest-Based Industries and Sectorally Related Issues for the next 3 years July 2014Invitation for membership Nov first meeting of the new EG on Forest-Based Industries

GCM, Nessebar – Bulgaria 10th of October EU Forest Strategy and Workgroup on SFM Criteria Sept publishing of a communication about the new EU Forest Strategy; UEF commenting it by a Newsletter Nov UEF Round Table Meeting as first stakeholder meeting on the new EU Forest Strategy Dec official Workshop of COPA-COGECA on EU Forest Strategy Jan discussion about EU Forest Strategy during Advisory Group on Forestry and Cork

GCM, Nessebar – Bulgaria 10th of October EU Forest Strategy and Workgroup on SFM Criteria March 2014 Mandate and draft roadmap of the Working Group on Sustainable Forest Management Criteria composed of members from Standing Forestry Committee and the Advisory group on Forestry and Cork March – June 2014 Nomination of 6 experts from Advisory Group; 1 NGOs, 1 Private Forest Owners, 1 Public Forest Owners, 1 Industry, 1 Workers, 1 Consumers; UEF was nominated for Workers (Bjorn Karlsson, alternate Michael Diemer) June and Sept 2014 first and second Meeting of the Workgroup

GCM, Nessebar – Bulgaria 10th of October Other matters on the EU and European level New Rural Development Policy and the low uptake of forestal funds in the past Warsaw Climate Change Conference and the targets andimplications on forestry New Communication on the Energy and Climate Framework 2030 Implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy Guidance on Natura 2000 and forests Research and innovation within HORIZON 2020 such as EIP-platforms (European Innovation Partnership) and the public private partnership on Bio-based Industries Implementation of the EU Timber Regulation Plant reproductive material Regulation

GCM, Nessebar – Bulgaria 10th of October New Commissioners and future topics The new elected President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker nominated Phil Hogan (Ireland) as Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development asking him to focus on food security and to the jobs and growth agenda (forestry is not mentioned) Karmenu Vella (Malta) as Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries asking him to focus inter alia on updating and simplifying the Natura 2000 System