THINKING beyond the canopy Taking Stock for MRV in Central Africa Denis J. Sonwa, Robert Nasi, Richard Eba’a Atyi Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) REDD After Cancun: Moving from Negotiation to Implementation May 2011, Douala, Cameroon
THINKING beyond the canopy Outline Background: Geographical context & importance of forest Some previous MRV-related activities REDD MRV realities in Central Africa Challenges & conclusions
Background: Geographical context * EDF 2008 For the climate change convention in the region, emphasis is mainly put on REDD+ with the perspective of promoting sustainable forest management in the Congo Basin
THINKING beyond the canopy Background: Importance of the logging sector 41% of export revenues in CAR Second employer in CAR & Gabon formal & Informal jobs in Cameroon Wood Production in 2007 (m 3 ) Tax (Millions Euro) Cameroon CAR Congo Gabon DRC Equatorial Guinea
THINKING beyond the canopy Background: Forest & Livelihood * ASB, Cameroon report, 2002 Animal protein, NTFP, Fuelwood, Agriculture lands, etc & related chain values Production cyle at the forest fringe in Southern Cameroon*
THINKING beyond the canopy Background: Sustainable Management* Other efforts toward sustainable management: SFM practices (e.g., forest law & ITTO guidelines) and certification gradually implemented FLEGT/AFLEGT processes Harmonization of efforts at the regional level Protected Area, IUCN Cat 1-6, (Ha) Percentage of Protected Area vs. National Territory (%) Cameroon CAR Congo Gabon DRC Equatorial Guinea * EDF 2008
THINKING beyond the canopy Logging (concessions); km²; Conservation (Protected area): km² Slash and Burn Agriculture: km² Background: The main land uses in Congo Basin
THINKING beyond the canopy Previous “MRV” related activities Logging: Wood production Export * EDF 2008 Biodiversity: Protected area Threatened species Agriculture: Export crops Cash crop
Carbon pools: soil, dead organic matter, aboveground and belowground biomass Land cover and related carbon stocks Land-use changes and related carbon losses MRV in REDD: The information needed
Available: Land cover and land-use changes Generic allometric equation for aboveground biomass Missing: Agreed vegetation typology Soil and belowground carbon Dead organic matter Specific allometric equations for the region MRV in REDD: Available or missing
Main forest land cover classes estimation in Central Africa* Land cover classArea (km²) % Sub Region Closed evergreen lowland forest Submontane forest ( m) Montane forest (> 1500 m) Swamp forest Mangrove Total humid forest Mosaic forest/croplands Mosaic forest/savannah Closed deciduous forest Deciduous woodland Open deciduous shrub land, sparse trees Others TOTAL Sub region (Congo Basin) * EDF 2008 MRV in REDD: Land cover classes
Land-use cover(LC) Total Carbon (millions tonnes) % C Total 1. Closed evergreen lowland forests ,3 2. Swamp forests1.7613,8 3. Sub-mountain forests ( m)7701,7 4. Mountain forests (>1500m)1190,3 Humid dense Forest (1-4) ,1 Closed deciduous forests2.7916,1 Mosaic forest/croplands3.9558,6 Mosaic forest/savannas3.4037,4 Deciduous woodland4.1499,0 Grassland, shrub land, sparse trees1.7703,8 Congo basin sub-region (TSR) ,0 Carbon stock estimation in the Congo Basin MRV in REDD: Carbon stock
Deforestation: Conversion of forest land to long-term or permanent non forest uses/stand Anthropogenic origin Canopy cover reduction under certain threshold (e.g., 30%) Examples: conversion of forest land to agricultural land, meadows and villages Degradation: Carbon stock reduction « Forest land remaining forest land » Phenomenon both quantitative (carbon) and qualitative (biodiversity) Example: selective logging MRV in REDD: Main land uses changes
Dynamics of above ground biomass* * EDF 2008 MRV in REDD: Land use land cover change
PaysAnnual deforestation (%) Annual net degradation (%) Cameroun0,140,02 Gabon0,090,07 Congo0,020,01 RCA0,060,02 DRC0,200,12 Central Africa0,160,09 Changes between 1990 and 2000 in Central Africa* *EDF 2008 MRV in REDD: Deforestation & degradation
THINKING beyond the canopy Conclusion & Challenges for MRV-REDD in Central African Forest Take into consideration the main land uses: Logging (concessions); km²; Conservation (Protected area): km² Slash and Burn Agriculture: km² Emphasis on capacity building for MRV & others aspects of Climate Change Convention Concerted and coherent efforts at the national & regional level Established and updated data base of basic information need in REDD ( map, allelometric equation, carbon stock, etc..)
THINKING beyond the canopy