PART II: AL QAEDA & 9/11 “ The base”
Why was bin Laden waging an ongoing war against the USA? 1. U. S. troops in Saudi Arabia—Desert Storm ( ) 2. U. S. fought & humiliated Muslims 3. U. S. support of Israel 4. U. S. support of sanctions on Iraq 5. U. S. presence in Middle East: war on Allah & Muslims
SOLUTION 1. Defense of Muslims 2. “Cosmic struggle” to save religion & culture : World Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews & Crusaders 4. Al Qaeda: many international secret cells
POLITICAL ISLAM & THE MIDDLE EAST Role of Islam 1. “Salaam”: peace 2. Family & tolerance 3. Jews lived peacefully in Ottoman Empire 4. Violence: self-defense 5. Great Jihad: Personal struggles 6. Little Jihad: enemies of Islam
“Let there be no 2 religions in Saudi Arabia.” Prophet Muhammed 1. Non-Muslims expelled???? 2. Non-Muslim presence—American troops condemned by bin Laden 3. Most Americans: separate religious & political conflicts 4. Bin Laden: religious & political conflicts are the same
Why is the U. S. concerned about political Islam? Islamic Revolution of 1979: US hostages Iran & Sudan: Islamic clergy control government
Political Islam Islamic fundamentalism Shar’ia: 1. Islamic law 2. Interpretation of Islamic tradition 3. Oppose free market economy 4. Unemployment up 5. Government aid to poor down
U. S. officials & political Islam 1. Threat to stability 2. Destroy enemies of Islam 3. “Jihad” against enemies of Islam 4. But, U. S. supports Saudi government for U. S. interests
What pricciples govern U.S politics in ME? 1. Access to oil 2. AIC 3. Lack of concern for government type 4. Preserve alliances in ME 5. Egypt: receives huge foreign aid 6. Little concern for human rights
What is U. S. perspective on relations with Israel? 1. Sponsors AIC 2. Agreements b/ Israel & Palestinians; & b/ Israel & Jordan 3. Israel: democracy 4. Israel: strategic ally: shared intell, testing US weapons
U. S. CONCERNS WITH ISRAEL 1. Treatment of Palestinians 2. Attacks on Lebanon 3. 1 st Middle East democracy 4. Strategic ally 5. AIC
IRAQ 1991: Desert Storm, 1 st Gulf War: Reaction to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait 25% of world’s oil!!??##$!! (Iraq & Kuwait) Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, et al, saw U. S. military presence as necessary Post 1991: Containment of Iraq & Iran
WMD’S UN weapons inspections of Iraq Attempt to prevent production of biological, chemical, nuclear weapons : Saddam refused to allow weapons inspectors to freely inspect weapons plants
IRAQ WAR 3 POINTS OF VIEW 1. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy 2. President Bush 3. Madeleine K Albright