What action should the United States Government take to better integrate American Muslims into society? THE QUESTION
Influence of African Americans on Islam NOI- Contradiction of “True Islam” Skewed perception of Islam by Non-Muslim Americans Islamophobia September 11 th Attacks Spurred on by the media BACKGROUND
Skewed Perception of Islam Growing number of Muslims 2.6 Million in 2010 to 6.2 Million in 2030 Avoiding Internal Conflict WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM?
PollResponse Are the values of Islam at odds with American Values? 47% of Americans believe that they are at odds. Is Islam an Important Religion in America?43% of Americans believe Islam is not important in America. Do Muslims have a favorable view of the US? 46% of Americans believe Muslims have an unfavorable view. CONTINUED
Absence of an Action No direct laws towards Muslims Anti-Immigration and Terrorism Laws Patriot Act- increased surveillance and ability to detain without proof Criminal Alien Removal Act- law enforcement can send immigrants back to country of origin National Security Entry-Exit Registration System- interrogation, fingerprinting, photographs on entry to country. Sharia Law Ban (House Bill 296) WHAT HAVE WE ALREADY DONE?
Dress Violations Wallace Jaffrey Court Case Dearborn Michigan Policies Footbaths Halal Food CONTINUED
POLICY OPTIONS Policy OptionAdvantagesDisadvantages Installing Footbaths in Government Buildings (Nationally) -Shows Non-Muslim respect for Islam. -Increase Social integration -Increase Health and Sanitary Conditions for Non-Muslims and Muslims -Costs upwards of 25,000 -Citizens may protest taxation to fund this option -Separation of church and state may prevent Gov. funding. Making Public School Calendars Accommodate Eid (Nationally) -Allows Islam the same accommodations as other prominent religions -Increases understanding of Islam for younger Generation -Muslim attendance at Public Schools may increase -Schools may lengthen year to allow for extra breaks -Could encourage other religions to fight for days off from school Making Halal Food an Option in Public Schools (Nationally) -Decrease “oppositional behavior” -Encourage Non-Muslims to learn more about Islam, and therefore become understanding of the religion -Other religious dietary needs must also be accommodated -Not economically feasible -Excessive government entanglement in Religious affairs. Allowing for paid prayer breaks in Government funded Buildings (Nationally) -Further integration of Muslims -Muslims may begin to take jobs in Public Sector -Increase in political participation -Violation of separation of Church and State -Could be seen as preferential treatment towards Muslims. -Could be disruptive
Make Public School Calendars accommodate Eid Economically superior Raises awareness of the religion Already has small scale success RECOMMENDATION