NearOptimalGamblingAdive Matt Morgis Peter Chapman Mitch McCann Temple University
Introduction Our goal: To build a Texas Hold’Em poker simulator that would give near perfect advice to the user.
How does this relate to A.I.? Trying to simulate a human player. Game relies on hidden information. Many human experts can outperform modern AI implementations. Achieving success would be a stepping stone towards solving more challenging real-world problem.
What is Texas Hold’Em? Card game played with 52 cards, can have up to 7 decks. 2 – 10 players. Each player starts with an equal amount of money. Each player receives 2 hole cards dealt facedown.
Each hand has 4 main rounds – Preflop – 2 hole cards are dealt to each player – Flop – 3 community cards are revealed. – Turn – 1 community card is revealed. – River – The final community card is revealed. Possible betting actions at each step – Fold – Check/Call – Bet/Raise – All-In (Jam) Gameplay
Actions Fold – Player sits out hand. Check/Call – Player remains in hand without being forced to commit further money to the pot (check) or is forced to cover the current bet in order to remain in the game (call) Bet/Raise – Bet is done when a player wants to invest further chips into the pot. Raise is a reply to a bet with a higher one. All-In – When a player places all of their remaining money in the pot. Can be done if the amount of chips is smaller than the amount necessary to “call.”
Gameplay (cont.) By the end of each hand there are 5 community cards on the table. Each player must make the best possible poker hand using their 2 hole cards + the 5 community cards.
Types of Texas Hold’Em Limit – All-in is removed from the game. – 1e+18 different states. – Fixed maximum amount for the bets. – Constraints limiting the bets reduce states’ space No-Limit – It’s possible to go All-In. – World Series of Poker and most casinos play this way. – 1e+71 different game states.
Simplifying the Game To simplify our analysis of the game, we used the following constraints: – 2 players – 1 deck – Limit game type We wanted to determine strategies for each problem state throughout each hand instead of a general solution for the entire game. By doing so, we would be able to give near- optimal advice and adapt as the game went on.
How complex is the game? The game is “nondeterministic,” meaning entirely different outcomes are possible given the same broad states. However, some outcomes are very unlikely (royal flush) while others are more common (community high-card). Biggest advantage is knowing the strength (Equity Value) of the player’s two hole cards.
Hole Card Evaluations Each card pair is associated with a numerical value calculated from the sample 115 million hands using data mined methods. Computationally intensive to determine the probability of another player having a certain hand. Also need to consider the odds your opponent will fold with a hand of a certain type.
Evaluating Cards Post-Flop There is one global Hand Rank Evaluator that takes a poker hand and maps it to a unique integer representing the score of the hand. This calculates the relative value of the 2 card hand, and takes into account Hand Strength, Hand Potential, and Effective Hand Strength. Can drastically change throughout the course of a hand.
2 + 2 Algorithm EHS = HS x (1 –NPOT) + (1 – HS) x PPOT – EHS is effective (potential) hand strength – HS is the current hand strength – NPOT is probability that the players hand deteriorates and becomes a losing hand. – PPOT is the probability that our current hand improves and becomes the winning hand.
2 + 2 Algorithm Continued First published in 1998 paper “Opponent Modeling in Poker” Since has been the basis of further research in the realm of poker artificial intelligence. Been considered the biggest advance to Poker Game Theory. Open source implementations available in Python, JavaScript, Objective C, Java, Bash/Shell, C. Allowed us to focus on the betting algorithms and strategies.
Sample Output of Algorithm PokerEvaluator.evalHand(["As", "Ks", "Qs", "Js", "Ts", "3c", "5h"]); //{ handType: 9, // handRank: 10, // value: 36874, // handName: 'straight flush' } PokerEvaluator.evalHand(["As", "Ac", "Ad", "5d", "5s"]); //{ handType: 7, // handRank: 148, // value: 28820, // handName: 'full house' } PokerEvaluator.evalHand(["As", "Ac", "Qs"]); //{ handType: 2, // handRank: 441, // value: 8633, // handName: 'one pair' }
Modeling Human Opponents Arguably the biggest challenge we faced. Opponent’s strategy may involve bluffing. Hand Strengths change at every stage of the game. Modeling a realistic opponent involves modeling a human’s mistakes as well as successes (computer’s need to bluff too).
Opponent Human Strategies Loose-Passive – Less dangerous players. Always call, play a lot of hands, never raise or bet. Loose-Aggressive – Unpredictable yet exploitable. Tend to raise even with low hands. Tight-Passive – Never raise, play few hands and when they do they call. Tight-Aggressive – Play few hands, but when they do, they raise and raise again. Considered most dangerous category. A good simulator would adapt its style to one of these depending on the current situation.
Research – Poker Strategies Check-raise P1 check P2 Raise $100 P1 Raise $100 (Bet now $200) – Used to intimidate opponent – Banned in some casinos
Research – Poker Strategies (cont.) Continuation Bet – Bet between 2/3 – 3/4 of the pot – Great for low level play Semi Bluff TABLE: 2H 4C 5D HAND: 6S JD – Good for protection
Research – Poker Strategies (cont.) Total Bluff TABLE: 2H 4C 5D HAND: 10S JD – No protection Float Play – Call on the flop – Check-raise on the turn
Our Implementation Boolean – Bluff Boolean - Aggressive
Our Implementation (cont) Boolean – Aggressive x = opponentFoldsForThisRound / opponentFolds if(x == 0 || x> 25%){ return true; } else{ return false; } i.e. opponentFoldsForThisRound = 1 opponentFolds = 4 return false
Our Implementation (cont) Hand Evaluation – If pre-flop Evaluate based on starting hand percentage – Else Evaluate Lowest Possible Hand Evaluate Our Hand Evaluate Highest Possible Hand Determine percentage
Our Implementation (cont)
At the start of each round of betting, we set a limit on how much we would be willing to bet depending on how aggressive we want our player to be. If playing aggressively, we will bet high in the hopes of scaring the opponent in to folding. If playing conservatively, we only bet high if we are confident we will win.
Our Implementation (cont) Example: playing aggressively hand strength = 70(%) player pot = 1000 if (playingAggressively) maxBet = 100 else maxBet = 50 advisedBet = maxBet * handStrength * player.pot / 100 / 100 advisedBet = 100 * 70 * 1000 / 100 / 100 advisedBet = 700, if we are feeling confident about a hand and are playing aggressively
Our Implementation (cont) We had come up with a plan to determine the odds of success based off what kinds of hands were possible for the opponent to have. Due to time constrictions, we had to use a more basic algorithm.
Basic Strength Algorithm First, we determine the best hand the opponent could possibly have based off of the communal cards on the table. Next, we determine the worst hand possible from the communal cards. We give both of these hands to the emulator, and determine where our hand is relative to the two hands.
Finding the Best Possible Hand To find the best possible hand, we run the community cards through a filter of the various hand types. The filters are ordered from the strongest hand types to the weakest. Knowing that the opponent can have any two cards in their hand (aside from what is on the table), we check every combination of 3 community cards possible.
Finding the Best Possible Hand (cont.) There are several things we can find out to speed up the process: Are there any pairs among the cards? If so, we can rule out flushes and straights. Are the cards all of the same suit? If so, we can have a flush, but no pairs. If there are no matches and the cards are not the same suit, we can only have Straights or Three-Of-A-Kind
Finding the Worst Possible Hand Even after we find the best possible hand, that is only half of the problem. We also need the worst possible hand. The worst possible hand anyone can have involves low cards, no matches, not a straight, and no flush. i.e., 2 of clubs, 3 of spades, 4 of spades, 5 of spades, and 7 of spades.
Finding the Worst Possible Hand (cont) The worst possible hand the AI can have will automatically contain the cards the community shares. So, we will need to avoid matches with them, as well as avoid a straight.
Finding the Worst Possible Hand (cont) To start, we find if there are any matches in the community cards. If there are, we don’t have to worry about a straight. Next, we check to see if there is a chance for a flush. If so, we must choose a suit that has not been used. If there is a chance for a straight, we grab a card either two lower than the lowest community card, or two above if the lowest card is a 3 or 2.
Returning the best and worst hands The best and worst hands are saved into 2D arrays of length 5, saving the cards value, and its suit. – Given a 5 of clubs, 6 of diamonds, and 7 of hearts Worst hand: High card 7 [ [ 2, ‘s’], [3, ‘c’], [5, ‘c’], [6, ‘d’], [7, ‘h’] ] Best hand: Straight, 9 high [ [5, ‘c’], [6, ‘d’], [7, ‘h’], [8, ‘h’], [9, ‘h’] ]
Our Implementation (cont) Putting it all together – In-Elastic hand
Our Implementation (cont) – Elastic Hand
Our Implementation (cont) – Continuation Bet
Our Implementation (cont) – Soft Bluff
Our Implementation (cont) Check-Raise
Most Recent Advances “Texas Hold ‘Em Heads Up Poker Machine” 200 active machines across the country. Uses knowledge gained from billions of staged rounds of poker fed through neural networks. Results in an unpredictable player that wins almost every time. Less than 100 players have been able to beat it in two years. Has a “paranoid” theory and plays with the basic idea to no be exploited.
Other Conclusions Human players are very good at understanding their opponent, sometimes figuring them out before the first hand is dealt. Programs can be superior in other aspects of the game. Still a major question of if pokerbots will be able to match all human players.
Retrospective If we could start over….