SBE – what we achieved in the programme 167 projects supported Spent £7.12m £7.4m match funding secured Created 171 jobs and safeguarded farm businesses and microenterprises assisted with grant funding including 34 farmers supported under the Flood Debris Recovery Scheme. 171 forest holders supported 5,629 training days delivered to 7,617 beneficiaries
SBE LEADER – what we are doing now SBE Local Action Group (LAG) awarded funding from Defra for consultation and community engagement during 2014 New Local Development Strategy submitted Awaiting decision from Defra (approval and allocations) New programmes due to start early in the New Year Collecting project ideas
RDPE LEADER Ensure that all LEADER projects contribute to rural jobs and growth 70% project funding directly in support of jobs and growth 30% directed at rural projects demonstrating economic impact Sectors we need to support – 6 priorities (farming, forestry, tourism, enterprises, rural services, heritage and cultural activities) National Delivery Framework for LEADER Sets out overall policy priorities and budget splits Gives examples of types of projects and outputs required Defra requirement to demonstrate strong alignment between the LEP and the LEADER programmes Co-operation through central Defra pot
SBE LEADER – our Local Development Strategy Aim and Objectives Four Programmes of Activity A) Establishing, growing and sustaining inclusive rural businesses B) Improving the economic performance, resilience and competitiveness for the farming, forestry and food production sectors C) Developing innovative approaches to rural service provision / increasing accessibility to rural service provision / promoting community cohesion D) Developing small scale tourism and recreational opportunities which build on the distinctiveness of the area
SBE Contact Details Sam Bramwell – Programme Manager Julie Hodgson – Programme Officer Telephone Websites s