Imperialism in Asia Main Idea: Western imperialism reached Asia during the 1800’s Asia rich in natural resources - coal- oil - rubber- tin Asian raw materials & exports - rice- silk - tea- spices Effect: Asian people often responded with resistance & conflict
Task: List the European nations from the key below and use the map add the Asian lands they had influence over next to them! Independent
India British East India Company founds India as a colony for Britain Great Britain wanted India for two reasons: 1. Resources 2. Location Two Major Indian Groups: 1. Hindus 2. Muslims Indian Nationalism rises in late 1800’s! Trade! Majority (70%) Minority (30%)
1600 to 1868 = Isolated from Western influence under Tokugawa Shogunate 1853: Americans “open” Japan to trade & western influence 1868 Meiji Restoration: shogunate overthrown; emperor & new constitution created Japan Results: Japan 1 st Asian nation to Industrialize (1900) Rise of Japanese imperialism Rise in dislike of the West
1600 to 1850’s = closed-door China (limited trade) : Opium War (British vs. Chinese) Result: open China to Western trade : Taiping Rebellion Result: opens China to greater Western influence China 1900: Boxer Rebellion (rebellion of Chinese against foreigners) Result: China under Western domination
’s= Dutch colonize Indonesia Renamed: Dutch East Indies 1800’s= France seizes Laos, Cambodia, & Vietnam Renamed: French Indochina 1800’s= Britain seizes Burma and Singapore Southeast Asia 1850’s: King Mongkut maintains independence of Siam Result: only independent land in Southeast Asia!