Key Issue #4: Why Do People Migrate Within a Country? Internal Migration o 2 types: interregional & intraregional o Less disruptive than international Interregional Migration (between regions) o In past, for farmland (settling of frontier) o Today, economic push & pull factors (jobs) o Migration Between Regions of U.S. ①Changing Center of Population o 1790 – near Baltimore (on Atlantic coast) o Appalachians & Native Americans as intervening obstacles o Need for shipping links to Europe (coast & navigable rivers)
Key Issue #4: Why Do People Migrate Within a Country? o Migration Between Regions of U.S. ②Early Settlement of Interior o 1830 – center of pop near Moorefield, WV (VA at the time) o People attracted by large amounts of cheap land o Transportation – 1816 – 1840 canals (1825 Erie Canal – NYC to Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River) o 1880 – center near Cincinnati, OH o CA Gold Rush in 1849 o Interior (Great Plains) considered bad for farming (Zebulon Pike) – but now is one of richest farming regions in world ③Settlement of Great Plains o Agriculture improvements – barbed wire, steel plow, windmills, well drilling (water pumping) o Transportation – RR’s, 1869 Transcontinental RR, RR land grants from gov’t then sold to farmers/ranchers o 1980 – pop center W of MS River for 1 st time (in MO) o 2000 – pop center in south-central Missouri o Population center has moved steadily West, then South & West
Key Issue #4: Why Do People Migrate Within a Country? o Migration Between Regions of U.S. ④Recent Growth of the South o Pop center moved south beginning in 1920s (sharp in 50s) o Net-in migration to South o Reasons: Job opportunities Sun Belt (climate, outdoor recreation) Decline of Rust Belt manufacturing Business moving south (right-to-work, tax incentives, lower land & labor costs, etc.) o Avg. income lower in South (improving – much lower in mid and early 1900’s) o African Americans have an opposite trend – South to North (Great Migration) for jobs & leaving discrimination in South o Slowing interregional migration in U.S. Even job prospects in all regions Expansion & contraction of service sector at similar rates across the U.S.
Key Issue #4: Why Do People Migrate Within a Country? o Migration Between Regions of Other Countries ①Russia (pop. clustered in west near Europe) o In USSR (Soviet Union), built factories near raw materials – had to relocate people (forced then incentive-based) o Russian Far East (Siberia) filled with minerals & resources o Few migrated because of harsh climate & distance o Fall of USSR ended migration policies ②Brazil o Clustered along Atlantic coast in big cities o Tropical interior (Amazon Rain Forest) o Moved capital to Brasilia (600 miles in-land) in 1960 ③Indonesia o Since 1969 – gov’t paid for migration of 5 mil from Java to other islands (Java contains 2/3 of pop) o People received land, housing materials, seed, & food o Much of land unsuitable to farm & disturbed indigenous people
Key Issue #4: Why Do People Migrate Within a Country? o Migration Between Regions of Other Countries ④Europe o Highest in-migration in highest per capita income areas o Italy – poorer South (Mezzogiorno) move to industrial North for jobs (better farming also in Po River valley) o UK – movement from North (where Industrial Rev began – declining industry) to South (near London) o Advantage to be close to center of Europe (EU) ⑤India o Gov’t requires permits to migrate or visit state of Assam in NE India (protect ethnic identity of Assamese) o Assam also close to neighboring country of Bangladesh
Key Issue #4: Why Do People Migrate Within a Country? Intraregional Migration (within 1 region) o Since 1800, most common intraregional is rural to urban o 1800 – 5% of world in cities, now at 50% ①Rural to Urban Migration o Began in 1800’s in Europe & N. America (Industrial Rev.) o Now ¾ urban in most developed countries (has stabilized – very little new urbanization) o Rapid urbanization in LDC’s o Worldwide – 20 mil per year rural to urban (mostly in LDC’s) o Move for economic reasons (jobs, leaving farms) o Ex. of Sao Paulo (Brazil) – 300,000 per year but many must live in squatter settlements (favelas) that lack electricity, running water, sanitation, healthcare, education, paved streets, fire/police, etc.
Key Issue #4: Why Do People Migrate Within a Country? Intraregional Migration (within 1 region) ②Urban to Suburban o 2x Americans move from urban to suburbs vs. suburbs to urban per year (similar in other MDC’s) o Usually not related to employment o Reasons: suburban lifestyle, detached house vs. apartment, private yard, more space, safety, garage/driveway for free parking, better schools, easy transportation back to cities, suburban sprawl (rapid growth on former farmland) ③Metropolitan to Non-Metropolitan Areas o New trend of counter-urbanization – rapid expansion of suburbs, movement back to small town/rural lifestyle (slower pace, raise veggies/animals, factories in small towns), modern communication & transportation (lack of isolation in MDC’s – TV, Internet, satellite, ATM/EBT, mail o Retirees seeking easy living or access to outdoor leisure o In France – attracted by beaches/climate in south & moving home o Counter-urbanization has stalled in U.S. – economy struggling