Presidents; Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter Major issues: Desegregation of schools Legality of Abortion (Roe v Wade 1973) Women’s Movement.


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Presentation transcript:

Presidents; Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter Major issues: Desegregation of schools Legality of Abortion (Roe v Wade 1973) Women’s Movement Détente – willingness to negotiate and an easing of tensions as a strategy in dealing with Communist nations Inflation/Stagflation Environmental Concerns Watergate Helsinki Accords SALT II Iran Hostage Crisis

Rapprochement with China Visited China to reestablish an Open Door Policy with them Agreed that neither country would try to dominate the Pacific and would cooperate in settling disputes peacefully Also agreed to scientific and cultural exchanges Was a hit with the American public but the real reason behind it was to drive a wedge between the Chinese and Soviets

Domestically – Program referred to as “New Federalism” -wanted to cut government programs and spending and give more powers to the states -wanted to turn back civil rights legislation -took a middle of the road stand on it -Schwann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Ed – court ordered bussing to integrate schools in the South

“SOUTHERN STRATEGY” -To gain support from the conservative south for the Republicans -Included efforts to prolong desegregation of schools

Had to deal with activists who hated the war in Vietnam – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) -evolved from the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s -wanted him to end the war and deal with poverty and inequality in the US

Recession became an issue Stagflation - inflation happens while employment goes up at the same time creating an economic nightmare (Most of this inflation occurred because of spending on the war in Vietnam.) -tried using wage and price controls -proposed a tax increase that Congress blocked -Asked Federal Reserve to raise interest rates and -It resulted in a stock market collapse

1973 the Arab nations that were members of OPEC placed an embargo on oil to the US (shuttle diplomacy used ) Lasted several months but made us realize we did not have limitless resources Significance- led to the environmental movement – conservation of resources and government policies to preserve and protect the environment – established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set and enforce pollution control standards

LANDMARK LEGISLATION ON THE ENVIRONMENT Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Endangered Species Act

WATERGATE Nixon accused of Obstruction of Justice Abuse of Power Contempt of Congress Led to his resignation – first president to do so

Abortion Roe v Wade- Supreme Court Decision in 1973 Made abortion legal in the United States

Gerald Ford Foreign accomplishments Helsinki Accords- agreement between the US, USSR, Canada, and about 30 other nations to cooperate economically, respect existing national boundaries, and promote human rights SALT talks continued – Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty – US and USSR

Ford’s Domestic Program WIN – Whip Inflation Now- to motivate Americans to voluntarily change theirbehaviors to conserve – save rather than spend, conserve fuel, plant gardens – DIDN”T WORK Still had high inflation and unemployment

Ford’s Reelection Had been chosen as VP to replace Spiro Agnew, Nixon’s VP who resigned In disgrace for illegally taking money as kickbacks while the Gov. of Mass Pardon of Richard Nixon and the economy cost him reelection

Jimmy Carter Defeated Ford on his campaign as a “Washington outsider” who had Not been corrupted by national politics Former governor of Georgia Committed to human rights and was a facilitator between Egypt and Israel in the Camp David Accords, a peace agreement between the two enemies

Foreign Issues Continued the policy of détente with the USSR Signed the SALT II treaty to limit production of nuclear arms USSR invaded Afghanistan (1979) Causing relations with them to go cold again

Continued Invasion killed the SALT II treaty in the Senate He implemented a grain embargo against the USSR Boycotted the olympics in Moscow in 1980 Détente evidently was gone by the time of the 1980 election and he lost to Ronald Reagan.

IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS 1970 there was a revolution in Iran and the Shah was overthrown The US previously had a good relationship with the Shah because of the oil there Iranian government was taken over by the Muslims under the leadership of their Ayatollah Khomeini and was under strict Muslim law Carter allowed the Shah of Iran to enter the US The enraged Iranians stormed the US embassy in Tehran and demanded the Shah be returned to stand trial. We refused and they held the people there hostage from November of 1979 until Reagan was inaugurated In January of 1981