PR 3310 Principles of Public Relations Friday, 6/5/09
Class Objectives Lecture Video: Corporate social responsibility Introduce Paper 1 Note 1: IT still hasn’t given me access to WebCT or Blackboard Note 2: No final, last day of class (Thursday 6/25) is Exam 2 (changes on schedule, syllabus) Homework assignment Re-read chapter 6 Paper 1 due next Wednesday at 12:05 pm
What’s in the news today? The Amazon Kindle: Amazons-Original-Wireless-generation/dp/B000FI73MAhttp:// Amazons-Original-Wireless-generation/dp/B000FI73MA Pay attention to what newspaper sites are shown Notice “free” access to Wikipedia As a PR publicist, how can you use this aid a message about your customer _ html _ html Uses e-paper, no current Does not use a wi-fi connection, uses a cellular network (built into the price of the devie) Because it is a new product in this field, the term “Kindle” is being used similar to Kleenex, Rollerblades, Coke (Sony has a similar product called the Reader- doesn’t have connection )
What’s in the news today? The Amazon Kindle Negatives Device is costly $400 Illustrations in grayscale, no color (currently) E Ink technology means that the screen takes a second to refresh (it goes to black and essentially blinks) when you turn a page Positives Provides a new source of revenue for the newspaper industry Through the Kindle, the Times costs $13.99 a month or $.75 an issue, which may seem pricey to those who are used to viewing the same content on the paper's Web site for free. Negative though in that you’re only getting 1 “delivery” per day (think “the morning news)…stocks quotes, sports scores, and stories get “old” and you don’t get any breaking news Easy to read b/c of no back lighting; can read in direct sunlight