Electronic books collection management: Issues and challenges By Randhir Singh Bhaskar Librarian Mody Institute of Technology and Science Faculty of Engineering & Technology Laxmangarh , Sikar, Rajasthan Mobile:
Abstract Issues and challenges Evolution of e-books Chronology, collection development of e-books Evaluation, delivery, and archiving of e-books. Focuses on contemporary managements from the perspective of a librarian concerns with collection management. Collection developers and Acquisition managers
Keywords Electronics books Collection Management Academic Libraries Developing Countries; India.
Introduction Selection acquisition collection building collection development collection management
Definition of the E-book An electronic book that can be read digitally on a computer screen, a special e-book reader, a personal digital assistant (PDA), or even a mobile phone. In other words, e-books are consumed on a screen rather than on paper. Wikipedia defines e-book as “An e-book is an e-text that forms the digital media equivalent of a conventional printed book, often protected with a digital rights management system”. General and specialized are two kinds of e-books. The examples of these two are “netLibrary” or “e-brary” and “Books 24X7”.
Evolution of E-Books 1. Use of computers for publications 2. Distribution of text in electronic form 3. Distribution in electronic form
Chronology of E-Books 1995: Amazon starts to sell physical books in Internet. 1996: The Project Gutenberg reaches the titles. The target is : Launched the first e-book Readers: Rocket e-book and Soft book : Websites selling e-books in English, like eReader.com. 2000: Stephen King offers his book ”Riding Bullet‘ in digital file; it only can be read in computer. 2001: Open 'Todoebook.com' the first website selling e-books in Spanish. 2002: Random House and HarperCollins start to sell digital versions of their titles in English 2005: Amazon bought Mobi-pocket like a strategic positioning. 2006: Sony presents the Sony Reader with e-ink. 2006: Libre Digital Launched Book Browse as an online reader for publisher content. 2007: Amazon launched Kindle in US. 2008: Adobe and Sony agreed to share their technologies (Reader and DRM).
Collection Development of E- Books in Libraries Awareness of publication Technical implications Technical standards Usage conditions Prioritization of the publication Processing of E-Books Delivery of the E-Books to the Reader Archiving E-Books
Major Challenges Collection Management Many platforms Access model for e-books Large variety of price Mobile phone e-book
Conclusion Evaluating information resources Electronic environment Exclusive solutions Information environment Electronic publishing Partnership with publishers Libraries and librarians
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