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Table of Contents
WHITE BOARDS List any experiments you have engaged in throughout any point in your life – do not necessarily have to have occurred in science class Explain what makes an experiment an experiment. (i.e. how is an experiment DIFFERENT from “just trying something out”?)
Experimental Design Vocabulary Independent Variable Dependent Variable Hypothesis (what should it have?) Control Constants Title (what should it have?) Experimental Groups
Experiments are designed to show the cause and effect relationship between two different variables. We call these two variables the independent variable (the cause) and the dependent variable (the effect). What two things changed between the trials? The fertilizer and the height of the plant.
What was the independent variable (the cause)? The fertilizer. What was the dependent variable (the effect)? The height of the plant
Everything else in the experiment is held constant. This means that nothing else is changed. This is done so that nothing will interfere with how the independent and dependent variables interact. What are the constants in the experiment below? light water pot soil type of plant Light, water, pot, soil, and type of plant are all constants.
What of the following would be the best hypothesis for this experiment? A The amount of sunlight a plant receives decreases the growth of the plant. B Plant growth determines the amount of fertilizer found in the soil. C The size of the pots will affect the growth of the plants. D The addition of fertilizer will increase the growth of the plant. Select the hypothesis that places the variables in the correct cause/effect relationship.
Three Parts to a Conclusion CLAIM A statement about the solution to a problem A response to a question An answer to a problem EVIDENCE Relevant data or facts that supports the claim Observations that support the claim REASONING Describes the scientific reason why it happened
ContainerTemperature Air28.2 Celsius Carbon Dioxide32.4 Celsius Yes, it does. You can see in my data table that the temperatures are different. Does Carbon Dioxide contribute to global warming?
Carbon Dioxide contributes to global warming. The container with the air has a lower temperature than the container with carbon dioxide. So, you can see that it does contribute. Does Carbon Dioxide contribute to global warming? ContainerTemperature Air28.2 Celsius Carbon Dioxide32.4 Celsius
Does Carbon Dioxide contribute to global warming? ContainerTemperature Air28.2 Celsius Carbon Dioxide32.4 Celsius Carbon dioxide does contribute to global warming. The temperature in the container with air is 28.2 degrees Celsius and the temperature in the container with Carbon Dioxide is 32.4 degrees Celsius. The container with Carbon Dioxide is 4.2 degrees higher than air. Carbon dioxide is a warmer gas than regular air, so that is why this occurs.
ContainerTemperature Air28.2 Celsius Carbon Dioxide32.4 Celsius Carbon dioxide does contribute to global warming. The temperature in the container with air is 28.2 degrees Celsius and the temperature in the container with Carbon Dioxide is 32.4 degrees Celsius. The container with Carbon Dioxide is 4.2 degrees higher than air. When the heat from the sun hits the earth, it is reflected back into the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide traps this heat from escaping into space, therefore increasing the temperature of Earth. Does Carbon Dioxide contribute to global warming?
Inquiry: Design an Experiment Advertisements are used to convince you to purchase a service/good – but are they always true? Today, we will look at a magazine ad and will design an experiment to determine IF the claim made in the ad is accurate To begin, we will all use the same ad Sections of experiment Poster – Small white sheet of paper Time: 25 minutes
EXPERIMENTAL POSTER Now that we have some practice, you and your partner will design an experiment and create an actual poster Potential magazine ads have been printed for you – each group get’s one ad and no 2 groups will have the same ad This time it’s “For Real” – AKA for a grade Time: 41 minutes
PROVE IT 1.Differentiate between an independent and dependent variable 2.Why is the control a valuable part of experimental design? 3. Why would multiple trials be necessary in any experiment? 4.How should all hypotheses by formatted?