Created By: Liz Wood
Table of Contents *Georgia Performance Standards *Vocabulary *Earth –R–Revolution –O–Orbit –S–Satellite –A–Axis –R–Rotation *Day and Night *Seasons –D–Diagram *Moon –P–Phases –D–Diagram –V–Video Clip *Solar System –C–Chart *Planet Quiz –P–Planet Size Relation Chart *Distance from Sun –B–Bar Graph *Weight on Other Planets *Age on Other Planets *Label the Solar System Activity *Online Quiz Links *Vocabulary Review *Solar System Model Activity
Georgia Performance Standards S4E2. Students will model the position and motion of the earth in the solar system and will explain the role of relative position and motion in determining sequence of the phases of the moon. a. Explain the day/night cycle of the earth using a model. b. Explain the sequence of the phases of the moon. c. Demonstrate the revolution of the earth around the sun and the earth’s tilt to explain the seasonal changes. d. Demonstrate the relative size and order from the sun of the planets in the solar system.
Vocabulary Keep an eye out for these yellow vocabulary words. They will appear throughout the presentation. Have 7 index cards ready to create your vocabulary flash cards. Try to guess what you think each word means after seeing it in the presentation. ♦ revolution ♦ orbit ♦ satellite ♦ axis ♦ rotation ♦ phases ♦ gravity
Earth It takes Earth one year ( days) to make a complete revolution around the sun. It takes Earth one year ( days) to make a complete revolution around the sun. Earth has a certain path it takes around the sun called its orbit. Earth has a certain path it takes around the sun called its orbit. A satellite is an object that moves around another object in space. A satellite is an object that moves around another object in space. While Earth revolves around the sun, it spins on an imaginary line called its axis. While Earth revolves around the sun, it spins on an imaginary line called its axis. The axis runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. The axis runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. Earth takes one day (24 hours) to complete one rotation on its axis. Earth takes one day (24 hours) to complete one rotation on its axis.
Day and Night What do you think causes day and night? When Earth makes one rotation on its axis (24 hours), day and night occur. The sun lights up the side of Earth that is facing it for daytime and the other side has nighttime.
Seasons ♦ Earth’s axis is slightly tilted. ♦ Seasons are caused by Earth’s tilted axis and the revolution Earth makes around the sun each year. ♦ For part of each year (1/4), the Northern Hemisphere tilts towards the sun and the Southern Hemisphere tilts away. This causes summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Moon It take a little more than 28 days for the moon to complete its orbit around Earth. It take a little more than 28 days for the moon to complete its orbit around Earth. The moon does not give off its own light-it reflects the light from the sun. The moon does not give off its own light-it reflects the light from the sun. The moon seems to have different shapes, or phases because of the way the sun’s light is hitting it. The moon seems to have different shapes, or phases because of the way the sun’s light is hitting it.
Our Solar System Sun EarthVenusMercurySaturnJupiterMarsNeptuneUranusPluto
Planet Quiz! Which planet is the largest? Which planet is the smallest? Which planet is almost the same size as Earth? Which planet has very distinct rings? Which planet is closest to the sun? Jupiter Pluto Venus Saturn Mercury
Distance From the Sun
Weight on Other Planets Gravity affects how much you weigh. Gravity is a pulling force. If a planet has more gravity then here on Earth, you will weigh more. If a planet has less, then you will weigh less. This table shows your weight throughout the Solar System if you weigh 100 pounds here on Earth. Sun2790 Mercury38 Venus91 Mars38 Jupiter254 Saturn108 Uranus91 Neptune119 Pluto6
Age on Other Planets A year represents one revolution around the sun. Planets travel at different speeds and some have larger orbits. This would affect your age on different planets. This table shows how old you would be on other planets if you were 10 here on Earth. Sun0 Mercury41.53 Venus16.26 Mars5.32 Jupiter0.84 Saturn0.34 Uranus0.119 Neptune0.061 Pluto0.040
Label the Solar System in Order! Sun Sun - The Sun is a star at the center of our Solar System. MercuryMercury - Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. VenusVenus - Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is the hottest planet. EarthEarth - Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the planet we live on. MarsMars - Mars is the fourth planet and it’s red. JupiterJupiter - Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. This gas giant is the largest planet. SaturnSaturn - Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. This gas giant has large, beautiful rings. UranusUranus - Uranus is a gas giant and is the seventh planet from the Sun. NeptuneNeptune - Neptune is a gas giant and is usually the eighth planet from the Sun. PlutoPluto - Pluto is a rocky planet and usually the farthest from the Sun. It is the smallest planet. Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
Online Quizzes! Solar System Solar SystemSystem Sun Sun Sun Mercury Mercury Mercury Venus Venus Venus Earth Earth Earth Moon Moon Moon Mars Mars Mars Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Saturn Saturn Uranus Uranus Uranus Neptune Neptune Neptune Pluto Pluto Pluto Comets Comets Comets Asteroids Asteroids Asteroids
Vocabulary What do you think your vocabulary words mean? What makes you think that? Lets go back and review!
Measure the Solar System! Materials: meter stick, adding machine tape (15 meters long), pencil, marker Directions: In groups of five use the table to create a model of the solar system. Draw a vertical line at the beginning of the tape for the sun. Each measurement given is to be measured from the edge of the sun. Mark you measurements with a pencil. Use the marker to dot and label each planet measured. Planet Scaled Distance From “Outer Edge” of Sun Mercury12 cm Venus22 cm Earth30 cm Mars46 cm Jupiter156 cm Saturn280 cm Uranus580 cm Neptune900 cm Pluto1180 cm
This presentation has been brought to you by Liz Wood. Created on July 13, Graduate Studies ECE 8814/05