Curriculum Night
Each child is responsible for him/herself. Behavior guidelines from the GPS Behavior Matrix are followed. For minor infractions, students are given a warning and are expected to self-correct. Failure to self-correct will result in the student’s name being added to the Behavior notebook. We are incorporating “above/below the line” to guide our behavior decisions. If a student misbehaves a warning puts them on the line. If they don’t self correct, then they fall below the line, bring home a reflection sheet, and their name will be added to the Behavior notebook.
Students can earn stickers for their “Team Crim” jerseys by doing good deeds and doing exemplary work. At class meetings students are encouraged to nominate classmates to receive stickers. We will celebrate our hard work with “Fun Friday” time. This will be a minute extra recess on Friday. If a student has incomplete work they will miss Fun Friday time.
Students will be assigned work daily. They will be given time to work on it in class. Whatever is not finished becomes work to do at home. Occasionally students will be given a long term project with the expectation that the project will be completed at home. This helps students plan and finish work according to deadlines.
Students are expected to complete their agendas daily. They need to develop a system so at a glance they can tell you what needs to be completed at home. Agendas should be signed by parents daily so we keep the lines of communication open. If a child is missing work, it will be noted in the agenda and it is an expectation that a parent signs acknowledging they have seen this.
Grades are updated in PowerSchool daily. Please check your child’s scores. Missing work will be entered as a 0 and indicated with missing symbol. I also try to indicate why a grade might be lower than anticipated. Students may turn in missing work for credit. Practice assignments are not scored but students are given credit for completing. All tests and comprehension assignments will be scored and given a grade. Major assignments and tests will also be given a standards sco re.
Materials include: Reading Street, Junior Great Books, Read Naturally, Read 180, vocabulary enrichment, and literature studies. As a school we no longer have AR, but I am looking for a free/low cost replacement. This will be a part of the reading comprehension grade quarterly.
Words Their Way will replace traditional spelling. Weekly word lists will come from Reading Street. Not all words will be on the weekly test. Words with similar spelling patterns will be substituted. For example, if we are studying “oa” vowel pattern and boat was on the list, float may be substituted. In addition students will have words drawn from high frequency word lists each week. These are words ALL students should know. Four words each week will be review words from those already studied thus far. I am not granting “permission to forget”.
Materials used: Engage New York, 180 Days of Math, and other supplemental materials. Major fifth grade concepts include: place value; adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals; adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions; volume and area; and problem solving with the coordinate plane.
US history from early explorers through post Civil War Geography Economics Government Taught by Mrs. O’Meara
Physical science includes the study of solutions and mixtures, levers and pulleys Earth science includes the study of moon, stars and solar system. Life science includes how the various systems of human body interact. Materials include FOSS kits, Science Weekly magazine, and non-fiction Science articles. Taught by Mrs. Crim
Writing curriculum is Write from the Beginning. We will write across the curriculum including essays in science.
Monday, Thursday: PE, Coach Kalk Friday: Band, Mrs. Stanford Tuesday: Mandarin, Ms. Ma Wednesday: Art, Ms. Stilgenbauer
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