The germinating potential of seeds is important among plant growers The germinating potential of seeds is important among plant growers. This can be determined by testing the seeds. Testing the seeds before they are planted prevents waste, to ensure uniformity of plant growth, and facilitates plant growers cultivation and early maturation of crops. If seeds are good, vegetable will be of good quality an there will be a better yield
TO SELECT SEEDS THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERISTICS SHOUL BE OBSERVED: Damage Free The seeds must be free from damage or plant may not be enough to keep the seed alive. 2. Good Germinating Ability If seeds germinate and produce healthy, strong plants, thy have greater percentage of viability: hence, they are capable of producing good crop yield.
3. Disease Free Seeds which are free from diseases will naturally produce better quality crops and greater yield 4. True-to-Type Seeds should be as strong and healthy as the plant variety from which they come. Always make a point that the seeds , are harvested from the best fruits of your plants.
TESTING SEEDS There are three methods of testing the germination potential of seeds. These are the following: DISH METHOD Line the dish with moistened, tissue paper, and then place a number of seeds. Cover with another sheets of moist tissue paper. Allow the seeds to germinate for several days. Count the number of seeds that germinated.
2. RAG-DOLL METHOD Place the seeds inside a damp piece of cloth. Space the seeds along one side of the cloth covers them. The cloth is then rolled an place on trays. A piece of stick is placed in the middle of the damp cloth to allow circulation of air. After three days, count the seeds that have germinated :
3. SEED BOX METHOD Plant a number of seeds in a box and water them. After several days, count the seeds germinated and compute for the percentage of germination using this formula: Percentage of germination= No. of seeds germinated x 100 No. of seeds sown Example: If you tested 50 seeds, only 25 seeds germinated. Using the formula, the percentage of germination is 50%. Percentage of germination is also called the percentage of viability.