TEAM NOTES EARLY RELEASE (Wednesday Schedule) NEXT WEEK ON TUESDAY (1/13), WEDNESDAY (1/14), & THURSDAY (1/15) (This is due to the end-of-semester testing schedule at the high schools.) Math practiceAll subjects username: sawgrassbaypassword: sawgrass Math practiceReading/Language Arts download program or app Spelling/Vocabulary SBES school website and class websites Search - “Sawgrass Bay El;ementary”, “Third Grade”, scroll to bottom, locate upcoming testing dates 3 rd Grade Academy Pin this to your fridge so you know what’s going on! ELA – Mrs. Fulton Reading Text Features -- titles/subtitles, pictures/photos, captions, charts, time lines, maps, bold words, etc. Text Structure – cause/effect, time order, compare/ contrast, etc. Author’s Point of View – key words that alert you to the author’s feeling about their topic; how knowing the point of view helps you understand the text better Here are some questions to ask when you are reading with your child: What can you learn from the pictures in the text? How do text features help you understand the better? How is the text organized? Why do you think it is organized this way? What is the author’s point of view (opinion) of the topic they are writing about? How do you know? What is your point of view of the topic of the text? Language Arts Review of capitalization rules and writing complete sentences in preparation for the Unit 4 Published Product. January 13 – Early Release January 15 – Early Release January 16 th – No school – teacher workday. January 19 th – No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 26 th – Report Cards Issued Reading/Language Arts – Mon. & Tues., 1/12 & 1/13 – Unit 4 Published Product Wed., 1/14 – Cold Read & Vocabulary Test (1 st word “speck”) Wed., 1/21 -- Spelling Test (1 st word “word”) Wed., 1/28 – Vocabulary Test (1 st word “floppy”) Math – Performance task – Thurs., January 8 th Science – There will be quizzes as we finish lessons throughout chapter 2 – The Solar System. READING/LA HOMEWORK All Smart 7 Strategies have to be used to get credit for homework! Mon., 1/12 – Big and Bold, p. 127 (fact & opinion) Tues., 1/13 – Up, Up, and Away!, p. 163 (fact & opinion) Wed., 1/14– Filming Animals, p. 164 (fact & opinion) Thurs., 1/15– No Homework HOMEWORK STEM HOMEWORK IMPORTANT DATES UPCOMING TESTS STEM – Mrs. Miller Learning Goal Math – Draw bar graphs and pictographs, and answer questions about the data. At the end of the year, your child will take a timed test on multiplication facts. They need to start practicing their tables at home. Learning Goal Science – The Universe *** Check out *** There are great Science and Math videos that can help your child review for the upcoming tests. Also, you may find helpful math videos on On my webpage, you will find the codes for the current skills being taught in Math. 1/5 – Answer questions about a bar graph 1/6– Answer questions about a bar graph 1/7 – Use data to draw a bar graph 1/8 – Answer questions about a pictograph.