3 rd Grade Internet Scavenger Hunt
Directions: Answer the following questions by clicking on the blue hyperlink in each question. The hyperlinks will direct you to websites where you can find the answers to the questions. Copy and paste your answers into a Word Document & print. GOOD LUCK!
#1. List the 8 planets in our Solar System, starting with the planet closest to the sun.Solar System #2. Who was the planet, Mercury, named after?planet
#3. How many moons does Jupiter have?Jupiter #4. How much of Earth is covered in water?Earth
#5. How many Dwarf Planets are in our Solar System? What are their names?Dwarf Planets #6. What does “orbit” mean?orbit
#7. What was the name of the first dog in space? What year did it travel?first dog in space #8. When did the Solar System form?Solar System form
#9. Who discovered Neptune?Neptune #10. What galaxy is our Solar System in?galaxy
YOU’RE DONE! Your Word Document should have your name, date, and class name. Don’t forget to print!!