Room 10 Lisa Wilson
Contact Information (phones do not ring during the school day) Check out my website at Choose school: Dorn Classroom: Wilson Things on my page: PICTURES! Weekly Newsletter, Word Study List and worksheets, great websites to try, and more!
English Language Arts (ELA) Guided Reading Writing Word Study Self Selected Reading
ELA Units are… Quarter 1: Characters with Character & Community Helpers Quarter 2: Space & A Great Big Word Quarter 3: Famous Authors & Animals Quarter 4: Plants & Mysteries
ELA: Guided Reading “The purposes of guided reading is to expose children to a wide range of literature, teach comprehension strategies, and teach children how to read material that becomes increasingly harder.” -P.M. Cunningham
Some English Language Arts Skills we will work on are.. Identifying if a text is informational or a story for fun. Ask and answer meaningful questions about a text. Identify the meaning behind unfamiliar vocabulary through the text. Identify the central message of a story using text to support their answer. Identify and use text features such as bolded words, labels and captions to answer questions about a text.
ELA: Guided Reading Picture walks Predictions Graphic Organizers Choral, Echo, Shared and Paired reading Small group reading ERT (everyone read to…) “Book Clubs:” students are grouped by ability and given text to read at their level
ELA: Writing “One way children learn to read is by writing. Their own writing is sometimes the first thing they can read!” -P.M. Cunningham
ELA: Writing We will cover Narrative, Informational, Opinion and Letter Writing throughout the year. Most writing lessons are tied to our Guided Reading Lessons. Lessons are modeled for the students to teach a variety of skills from how to pick a topic, sentence structure and editing work. Children write daily! Children will conference with the teacher about their own writing. Children share their work with their classmates.
ELA: Writing Children are expected to write in complete sentences using correct punctuation! As we move through our word study lessons children are expected to apply the skills learned in their daily writing!
ELA: Word Study During Word Study, children learn to read and spell high frequency words and the patterns that allow them to decode and spell lots of other words. -P.M. Cunningham
ELA: Word Study Word families Application of word families Making words On the side Decoding Be a mind reader Weekly Word Study assessments Weekly Word Study homework See my website for the list or words and families!
Weekly Word Study Homework:
Sample Word Study Assessment Grading: *The FIVE words listed on the word study/spelling contract will be graded as well as five words that relate to that weeks Word Study. *In this example the five words are: am, had, can, will, and. *The Word Study focus was on short /a/ word families. The words are: last, rash, cab, pack, fat. The graded words are underlined if they are correct and circled if they are incorrect. *The other words are NOT graded.
Self Selected Reading “Self-Selected Reading is that part of a balanced literacy program during which children get to choose what they want to read and to what parts of their reading they want to respond. Opportunities are provided for children to share and respond to what is read. Teachers hold individual conferences with children about their books.” - P.M. Cunningham
Self Selected Reading Teacher reads aloud various stories for enjoyment. Variety of levels are provided for students to choose from. Variety of fiction and non-fiction are provided. Conferencing takes place with teacher to ensure comprehension is taking place. Students share what they read about.
Self Selected Reading
Math: Origo Stepping Stones Our math program is called Origo. This program has a lot of hands on learning and Smartboard activities to support the concepts taught. Homework will be sent home in the weekly packet to support the skills we are working on in class.
Number Sense Graphing and reading data Problem Solving Skip Counting Fractions Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency within 10
Addition and subtraction within 100 Fractions Time Balancing equations Word Problems Money Counting on and back and much more!
Science and Social Studies Science: Animals Plants Weather Solar System Nutrition Social Studies Geography/Maps History and customs Families All about me Presidents
Homework Policy A weekly homework packet will go home the beginning of each week. This will cover reading and math skills. Homework packets are to be done by the students and may need some parent support. They are to be returned each Friday. There is a reading log inside each homework packet. Your CHILD is to read to YOU each night.
Thank You! Thank you for coming tonight. I look forward to a wonderful year with your children!