Perfect Indicative J. Lyle Story. Parse the Following h1ggiken ge/grafa a0khko/amen teqera/peuke pepisteu/kamen e0gnw/kamen e0gh/gertai ge/gone e0lhlu/qamen.


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Presentation transcript:

Perfect Indicative J. Lyle Story

Parse the Following h1ggiken ge/grafa a0khko/amen teqera/peuke pepisteu/kamen e0gnw/kamen e0gh/gertai ge/gone e0lhlu/qamen

Parse the Following h(ma/rthka eu(rh/kamen beba/ptismai a0pe/stalken sesw/smai pe/ponqa ke/kragen h(toi/maka ei1lhfa

Translate the Following beba/ptismai u9po\ tou= a0posto/lou. ge/graptai peri\ au0tou= e0n tai=v a(gi/aiv grafai=v. tau=ta pe/ponqa e0n th=| kari/a| mou. o( 0Ihsou=v ei1rhken parabola\v toi=v a0gaqoi=v kai\ tai=v a0gaqai=v. h(marth/kate ei0v th\n o(do\n th=v zwh=v. kai\ pepisteu/kamen kai\ e0gnw/kamen o#ti su\ ei] o( a#giov tou= qeou=. Jn. 6:69 kai\ h1ggiken h( basilei/a tou= qeou=. Mk. 1:15

Translate the Following gego/nate ta\ te/kna tou= qeou. a0pelh/luqen h( nu/c (night) kai\ h1ggiken h( h(me/ra. kai\ e0n tou/tw| ginw/skomen o#ti e0gnw/kamen au0to/n, ei0 me/nomen e0n au0tw=| tou=to ge/gonen o#ti ou#twv ge/graptai dia\ tw=n profhtw=n. e0gnw/kamen o#ti pepo/nqasi dia\ to\n lo/gon. u(mi=n ei0rh/kamen ge/graptai e0n tw=| no/mw| kai\ toi=v profh/taiv o#ti o( qeo\v xari/zetai toi=v a(martwloi=v o3te e0piste/fousi kai\ pi/ptousin pro\v au0to/n.

Examples from the Greek NT eu9ri/skei ou{tov prw=ton to\n a0delfo\n to\n i1dion (his own) Si/mwna kai\ le/gei au0tw=|, Eu(rh/kamen to\n Messi/an ( o# e0stin meqermhnouo/men [which is translated] Xristo/v ). Jn 1:41 $O (that which) h]n a0p 0 a0rxh=v, o$ a0khko/amen, o$ e(wra/kamen toi=v o0fqalmoi=v h(mw=n I Jn. 1:1 ou0k ei0mi\ e0leu/qerov; ou0k ei0mi\ a0po/stolov; ou0xi\ 0Ihsou=n to\n ku/rion h(mw=n e(w/raka; ou0 to\ e1rgon mou u(mei=v e0ste e0n kuri/w|; I Cor. 9:1

Examples from the Greek NT o#ti Xristo\v a0pe/qanen u(pe\r tw=n a(martiw=n h(mw=n kata\ ta\v grafa/v, kai\ o#ti e0ta/fh (he was buried), kai\ o#ti e)gh/gertai th=| h(me/ra| th=| tri/th| (third). I Cor. 15:3-4 qeo\n ou0dei\v (no one) e9w/raken pw/pote (at any time) Jn. 1:18 e0kei=nov memartu/rhken ( marture/w = I bear witness) peri\ e0mou= Jn. 5:37 $O (that which) ge/grafa, ge/grafa. Jn. 19:22

Examples from the Greek NT pe/peismai ga\r o#ti ou1te (neither) qa/natov ou1te zwh\ ou1te a1ggeloi ou1te a0rxai\...dunh/setai h(ma=v xwri/sai (will be able to separate us) a0po\ th=v a0ga/phv tou= qeou= th=v e0n Xristw=| 0Ihsou= tw=| kuri/w| h(mw=n. Rom. 8:38-39 e(w/raka kai\ memartu/rhka ( marture/w = I bear witness) o#ti ou{to/v e0stin o( ui(o\v tou= qeou=. Jn. 1:34 0Iwa/nnhv o( bapti/zwn (the baptizer, Baptist) e0gh/gertai e0 nekrw=n. Mk.6:14 u(mei=v a0pesta/lkate pro\v 0Iwa/nnhn, kai\ memartu/rhken th=| a0lhqei/a|. Jn. 5:33

Examples from I Jn. 2: gra/fw u(mi=n, tekni/a o#ti a0fe/wntai (have been forgiven) dia\ to\ o1noma au0tou=. 13. gra/fw u(mi=n pate/rev (fathers) o#ti e0gnw/kate to\n a0p 0 a0rxh=v. gra/fw u(mi=n neani/skoi (young men) o#ti nenikh/kate ( nika/w = I conquer) to\n ponhro/n. 14. e1graya u(mi=n, paidi/a o#ti e0gnw/kate to\n pate/ra e1graya u(mi=n pate/rev o#ti e0gnw/kate to\n a0p 0 a0rxh=v. e1graya u(mi=n, neani/skoi o3ti i0sxuroi/ (strong) e0ste kai\ o( lo/gov tou= qeou= e0n u(mi=n me/nei kai\ nenikh/kate to\n ponhro/n