1. 1A. 2. 2A. 3. 3A.
The Earth / Moon / Sun Relationship
The Seasons 1. What are the seasons? 2. What causes them? 3. Are the seasons the same all around the world?
The Seasons The seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth and it’s orbital position. In the summer (for us) the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun during the day. In the winter (for us) the northern hemisphere is tilted away the sun during the day.
The Seasons
1A. What are the seasons? 2A. What causes them? 3A. Are the seasons the same all around the world?
The Tides 4. What are the tides? 5. What causes them? 6. How often do they occur? 7. Are they the same all over the world?
The Tides The tides are a result of the moon’s gravity pulling on the Earth. The moon does not pull equally on all parts of the Earth and because the oceans are a liquid they are “pulled” by the gravity. Oceans closer to the moon experience “high tides” Oceans to the “side” of the Earth experience “low tides”.
High Tide Low Tide
Moon Sun
Moon Sun
The Tides Low Tide High Tide
The Tides Low Tide High Tide
The Tides Low Tide High Tide
The Tides Low Tide High Tide
The Tides
4A. What are the tides? 5A. What causes them? 6A. How often do they occur? 7A. Are they the same all over the world?
Eclipses 8. What is a solar eclipse? 9. What causes them? 10. Do solar eclipses occur all over the world?
Solar Eclipses
8A. What is a solar eclipse? 9A. What causes them? 10A. Do solar eclipses occur all over the world?
Lunar Eclipses 11. What is a lunar eclipse? 12. What causes them? 13. Do lunar eclipses occur all over the world?
Lunar Eclipses
The Phases of the Moon 14. What are the “phases” of the moon? 15. What causes them? 16. Are the phases the same all over the world?
Phases of the moon The change in the sunlit area of the moon as seen from Earth Half of the moon is always lit Depending on the position of the Earth and moon we only see parts of the lit area Waxing The sunlit area is getting larger Waning The sunlit area is getting smaller Phases
The Phases of the Moon 14A. What are the “phases” of the moon? 15A. What causes them? 16A. Are the phases the same all over the world?
Solar Eclipse
Asteroids 17. What are asteroids? 18. What causes them?
Asteroids are small rocky objects that orbit the sun Most asteroids orbit the sun in the region between Mars and Jupiter This region is called the asteroid belt Asteroids are made of many different materials Some contain organic material Others contain rock or metals
Comets 19. What are comets? 20. What causes them?
Comets are small objects made of ice, rock, and cosmic dust that orbit the sun They travel in an elliptical orbit Comet tails as they pass close to the sun comets give of gases and dust Comets originate in the Oort cloud. The Oort cloud is a spherical region that surrounds the solar system Some comets exist in the Kuiper belt The Kuiper belt is a region just outside the orbit of Neptune that is similar to the asteroid belt
The Oort Cloud
The Kuiper Belt
Meteoroids A really small, rocky body that travels through space Probably pieces of asteroids Meteorite A meteoroid that falls into Earth’s atmosphere Meteor The bright streak of light caused by a meteoroid burning up in the atmosphere
What man made object can travel as fast as a meteorite? A nissel
Nisseloid Base on a random arrangement of letters on a word-find puzzle in civics class