Present Middle\Passive Indicative, Deponent Verbs, and Prepositions J. Lyle Story
Parse and Translate the Following bapti/zousi bapti/zontai sw/zh| a1getai sw/zomen swzo/meqa gino/meqa ei)se/rxontai le/gomen
Parse and Translate the Following gra/fousin gra/fontai e0ce/rxontai dida/skei dida/sketai a0kou/ete a0kou/esqe a0pokri/netai qerapeu/etai
Translate the Following ei0v to\n oi}kon e0n th=| e0kklhsi/a| a0po\ tou= kuri/ou u(po\ tou\ qeou= e0k tw=n a(martiw=n e0k qana/tou pro\v tou\v a0nqrw/pouv peri\ th=v basilei/av su\n toi=v a0delfoi=v
Translate the Sentences lamba/nete ta\v e0paggeli/av a0po\ tou\ kuri/ou. o( profh/thv pe/mpetai para\ tou= qeou=. dida/skontai oi( dou=loi u9po\ tou= qeou=. dia\ tw=n grafw=n tw=n profhtw=n ginw/skomen to\n kuri/on. e0k tou= oi1kou pe/mpousin oi( a0po/stoloi tou\v dou/louv ei0v to\ i(ero/n. me/nei u(po\ e0cousi/an th=v basileiav e0n (Ieroso/luma.
Examples from the New Testament kai\ e0celqo/ntev ei0v th\n oi0kian ei]don to\ paidi/on after coming they saw Matt. 2:11 a0lla\ r(u=sai h(ma=v a0po\ tou= ponhrou= save us Matt. 6:13 kai\ ou0 mh\ e0calei/yw to\ o1noma au0tou= I will by no means blot his name e0k th=v bi/bliou th=v zwh=v Rev. 3:5
Examples from the NT pa/lin a0fi/hmi to\n ko/smon kai\ poreu/omai Again, I am leaving pro\v to\n pate/ra. Father Jn. 16:28 kai\ e0bapti/zontai e0n tw=| 0Iorda/nh| potamw=| they were being baptized River e0comolou/menoi ta\v a(marti/av au0tw=n. confessing (for themselves) Matt. 3:6
Examples from the Greek NT pa=n ou]n de/ndron mh\ poiou=n karpo\n kalo\n Every not producing e0kko/petai kai\ ei0v pu=r ba/lletai is being cut down fire Matt. 3:10 Pau=lov a0po/stolov, ou0k a0p 0 a0nqrw/pwn, ou0de\ neither di 0 a0nqrw/pou a0lla\ dia\ 0Ihsou= Xristou= kai\ qeou= patro\v tou= e0gei/rantov au0to\n e0k nekrw=n Father who raised him Gal. 1:1