Women In The New Testament 30 th Sept 2010
In Jesus’ time women had low status in society: In marriage a woman was regarded as a possession / women should not be alone Women were classed with children in legal matters and not allowed to give testimony in court Girls were educated only in the home. Boys in a school attached to a Synagogue In religion – women were kept apart from men, usually in courtyard, not in temple. If a woman was menstruating, she could not even go into the courtyard. She was not allowed to enter this area for 40 days after childbirth.
In the Gospels, Jesus is portrayed as a radical in the way he treated women: He speaks alone with a Samaritan women (i.e. a social outcast) He speaks to and touches a woman with a haemorrhage of blood (i.e. does not mention this being unclean) He says that a man can commit adultery against his wife (i.e. the rabbis of the day only recognised adultery against the husband) LUKE 8: 1-3: Women who accompanied Jesus – This passage shows Jesus accepted woman along with his disciples and thy had a part in His ministry JOHN 20: 1-18: The empty tomb – discovered by Mary Magdalene. Also first to see risen Lord.
Jesus Actions Towards Women: All four Gospels represent Jesus as accepting women and in ways which contract sharply with his Jewish contemporaries. From the beginning of his active ministry Jesus healed women as he healed men.
Look up these passages: Mark 5: The Woman with the haemorrhage Mark 5: Jairus’ Daughter What do they show about Jesus’ view of women? Write a short paragraph.
Jesus’ attitude towards women Jesus’ attitude to women seems to have been unusually positive for a Jew of his period. The Gospels’ present him as accepting them as individuals, and affirming their right to be disciples; he receives their personal service, speaks to them on spiritual matters, and recognises them as participants in mission.
Women as Disciples Women were much more tied to their homes than in the West today, indeed, for them to leave their children to follow an itinerant preacher might be irresponsible. Even to be the wife of a fully committed disciple was tough for a Palestinian woman.
Look up the following passage: Luke 10:38-42 What do they show about Jesus’ view of women? Write a short paragraph.
In this passage: Jesus is clearly affirming woman’s right to be a disciple and not to be solely concerned with domestic affairs. It is difficult to think of a greater contrast with contemporary Jewish attitudes. In this passage the Evangelists depict women as among those taught by Jesus, thus demonstrating that the early Church considered them disciples in at least the broad sense of the term.
Women in the Old Testament Gen 1:24-31 – human beings are made Gen 2:23 – Eve is made from Adam Gen 3:16 – Woman will be subject to her husband Gen 2-3 – Woman is to blame for ‘fall’ of humankind COPY THIS DOWN! YOU MUST LEARN AT LEAST TWO OF THESE!!!
Women and the Church The inequality within the church signifies oppression of women. Feminists target their criticism at this institution which has in the past contributed greatly to subduing women. The Church has provided divine justification for omitting women from a male religious authority. Many feminists would describe the church as being out of touch and largely irrelevant. However, it is true to say that many women still see some meaning and significance in Christian commitment.
Many feminists are offended by the Church’s position on women. For all the attempts to justify the theological position about women and how they are treated has more to do with contemporary secular culture than biblical teaching.
Ordination of women The central pivot of the debate about women and the Church is about the ordination of women. Many people have a high view of the sacraments of ordination itself. They see ordination as bestowing a special spiritual status on its recipients, who see ‘priesthood’ as something which not everyone is worthy of. Women priests, or the idea of women being ordained, inflames and offends many people. If women are to be excluded from priesthood then they are seen to be relegated to a permanently lower Christian Status than men.
Important points: The idea that God is a male and can only be as such immediately subordinates a woman. The Christian tradition began in a patriarchal society and has continued to reinforce male dominance. The Christian Creed incorporated the maleness of God The Lord’s prayer is definitely male oriented. The Trinity – is God the Father and Mother, one person or two? When talking about God – God is neither male of female. God has put sexuality into existence. It does not necessarily mean because God created sexuality that he is sexual. God created time, this does not mean that he is temporal. Jesus called God ‘Father’ but what he is really doing is emphasising the relationship which we might have with God. Emphasising the caring, gentle and protective role of God.