INTRODUCTION This is a controversial subject in the church today This movement is simply the influence of the world on the church (Romans 12:2; Revelation 2, 3)
INTRODUCTION OUR APPROACH IN THIS LESSON IS THREE-FOLD –First, we want to look at the forces that have been at work in the world. –Next, we want to see how that has impacted both denominations and the church. –Finally, we want to see what role God has given women in the church.
Consider the Modern Feminist Movement in Our Society Their agenda, for the most part, was disguised and hidden. –Many people thought all they wanted was “equal pay for equal work.” –This and other slogans were received by most people with a sense of fairness. –False teachers have always masked their true agenda in order to deceive.
Secular (Radical) Feminists They oppose the traditional family structure. –“Whereas, The National Organization for Women has a long, proud commitment to Lesbian Rights and to grass roots activism:...BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that NOW reject the narrow definition of “family” as promulgated by the right wing and that NOW embrace and renew our commitment to support a broad definition of family including lesbian/gay/bisexual, single parent, and other non-traditional family units.” (Convention Report, 1993)
Secular (Radical) Feminists They reject the Bible as anti-women. –“Jesus Christ cannot symbolize the liberation of women... Feminists have to leave Christ and the Bible behind.” (Naomi Goldberg, Changing of The Gods: Feminism and the End of Traditional Religions, p. 22) –“Exclusively male images of God are killing our spirit by distorting our understanding of masculinity, femininity and mutuality.” (Virginia Mollenkott, The Divine Feminine: The Imagery of God as Female, p. 47)
Secular (Radical) Feminists They use every available means to promote their ideas around the world. –The Beijing Conference (1995) included the following workshops: “Lesbianism for The Curious”, “Spirit and Action: Lesbian Activism from an Interfaith Perspective”, Lesbian Flirtation Techniques Workshop”, “How Religious Fundamentalism Helps to Spread AIDS”. –Dr. Margaret Oogala from Kenya observed, “Apparently in the United States, the most powerful country in the world, the family is considered as nothing anymore.”
Liberal Feminists They may be religious, but reject Bible texts that don’t agree with their agenda. –Like liberal theologians, they teach that culture shaped the Scriptures. –They would say that male leadership roles were a concession to Greco-Roman culture. –Texts that are thoroughly ‘androcentric”, like 1 Timothy 2, are dismissed as tainted.
Biblical (Evangelical) Feminists They claim to accept the Bible as authoritative. –They would say that the Bible is inspired. –However, they believe the texts which seem to limit the role of women are descriptive, not prescriptive. –In other words, like the liberal feminists, they would limit the applicability of these texts to the first century.
The Cost Has Been Great The family has suffered as women have turned childrearing over to others. (Titus 2:4) Marriage is viewed by some as an enslaving relationship that robs women of equality. The secular feminists have been in the forefront of the sexual revolution.
All Churches Have Been Affected Denominations were affected first. As one might expect, some in the church of the Lord have followed them into this error. We must be prepared to fight this battle among us. (Colossians 3:17)
Importance of Women Consider the following evidence. –Woman was the crowning act of creation (Genesis 2:18-24) –Law said to honor father and mother (Exodus 20:12; Proverbs 1:8) –Women were exalted in the Old Testament (Proverbs 31: 10-31) –Miriam, Deborah, and Esther (Exodus 15:20, 21; Judges 4:1-5:31; Esther 4:14) –Anna, Elizabeth, and Mary were important servants of God (Luke 1, 2)
Importance of Women Jesus treated women with respect. –Chosen as recipients of revelation (Luke 10:41, 42; John 4:10-26; 11:25) –Made sure they were treated fairly (John 8:1-11) –Praised for their faith and willingness to sacrifice (Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 14:3-9) –Selected to announce His resurrection (Matthew 28:10)
Role in The Church Women played a prominent role in the early church. –Devoted to prayer (Acts 1:1-14) –Helped establish local churches (Acts 16:12-15; 18:18-28 –Received spiritual gifts (Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:17, 18; 21:9) –Shared the hardships of the Gospel (Romans 16:1, 2; Philippians 4:3)
Role in The Church Limitations on her service. –Equal share in salvation (Galatians 3:28) –Limited role (I Timothy 2:8-15) –Subordinate, but not inferior (Philippians 2:5-11 –Applies to the assemblies of the church (I Corinthians 14:34, 35 –Known for her good works (Acts 9:36; 18:26; Romans 16:1, 2; Titus 2:4)
CONCLUSION Women and men must seek after God Godly women are precious in God’s sight