LUKE’s OUTLINE LUKE’s OUTLINE The Gentile gospel is designed in 7 pockets of information for the readers. The Gentile gospel is designed in 7 pockets.


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Presentation transcript:

LUKE’s OUTLINE LUKE’s OUTLINE The Gentile gospel is designed in 7 pockets of information for the readers. The Gentile gospel is designed in 7 pockets of information for the readers. The details in these pockets of information is very different than the other gospels. The details in these pockets of information is very different than the other gospels.

LUKE’s OUTLINE LUKE’s OUTLINE THE PROLOGUE - 1:1-4 THE PROLOGUE - 1:1-4 a preliminary discourse that could be in the form of a greeting or a poem or some other literary device.


LUKE’s OUTLINE LUKE’s OUTLINE 5) JESUS’ JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM (9: :44). 5) JESUS’ JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM (9: :44). This is the longest section of Luke, and covers several features that are not included in the other gospels. Pay attention in this section. This is the longest section of Luke, and covers several features that are not included in the other gospels. Pay attention in this section.


LUKE’s INTEREST LUKE’s INTEREST Luke goes his own way when speaking of the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ. Luke goes his own way when speaking of the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ. He emphasises the seven mile walk from Jerusalem to the small city called Emmaus. He emphasises the seven mile walk from Jerusalem to the small city called Emmaus.

LUKE’s CONNECTION LUKE’s CONNECTION Acts, also a work of LUKE, can be considered the same book as LUKE. Acts, also a work of LUKE, can be considered the same book as LUKE. H.J. Cadbury’s “THE MAKING OF LUKE AND ACTS”, is so brilliantly worked that it shifted the scholars’ view to consider them one. H.J. Cadbury’s “THE MAKING OF LUKE AND ACTS”, is so brilliantly worked that it shifted the scholars’ view to consider them one.

LUKE’s CONNECTION LUKE’s CONNECTION Language, style and theology connect the books of LUKE and ACTS. Language, style and theology connect the books of LUKE and ACTS. Theology is a GOOD INDICATOR of considering books of the cannon by the early CHURCH. Theology is a GOOD INDICATOR of considering books of the cannon by the early CHURCH.

LUKE’s CONNECTION LUKE’s CONNECTION The prologue indicates that LUKE was not an eye witness to the ministry of JESUS CHRIST but an eye witness of the people who had been radically impacted by JESUS CHRIST. The prologue indicates that LUKE was not an eye witness to the ministry of JESUS CHRIST but an eye witness of the people who had been radically impacted by JESUS CHRIST.

LUKE’s CONNECTION LUKE’s CONNECTION LUKE was an educated man who wrote very good GREEK. LUKE was an educated man who wrote very good GREEK. The opening of LUKE is written in the classical style of Greek. The rest of the two chapters have a strong Semitic cast. The opening of LUKE is written in the classical style of Greek. The rest of the two chapters have a strong Semitic cast.

LUKE’s CONNECTION LUKE’s CONNECTION The rest of LUKE was written in strong HELLENISTIC Greek that constantly reminds the reader of the SEPTUAGINT – Greek Old Testament. The rest of LUKE was written in strong HELLENISTIC Greek that constantly reminds the reader of the SEPTUAGINT – Greek Old Testament.

LUKE’s CONNECTION LUKE’s CONNECTION The last half of the book of Acts contains a lot of “we” passages and written in the first person, Luke being the companion of Paul who was pounded down by Jesus on the road to Damascus. The last half of the book of Acts contains a lot of “we” passages and written in the first person, Luke being the companion of Paul who was pounded down by Jesus on the road to Damascus.

LUKE’s SECRETS LUKE’s SECRETS What is one very strong hint in one of Jesus’ healings that LUKE was a doctor? What is one very strong hint in one of Jesus’ healings that LUKE was a doctor? Luke calls the fever of Peter’s mother-in-law a “HIGH FEVER”, whereas Mark 1:30 and Matt. 8:14 only call it a FEVER. Luke calls the fever of Peter’s mother-in-law a “HIGH FEVER”, whereas Mark 1:30 and Matt. 8:14 only call it a FEVER.

LUKE’s SECRETS LUKE’s SECRETS Early Church father “TERTULLIAN” calls LUKE “a summary of Paul’s gospel…” Early Church father “TERTULLIAN” calls LUKE “a summary of Paul’s gospel…” TERTULLIAN, originally from Carthage, was a pagan who converted to Christianity in A.D TERTULLIAN, originally from Carthage, was a pagan who converted to Christianity in A.D. 197.

LUKE’s SECRETS LUKE’s SECRETS TERTULLIAN lived from A.D TERTULLIAN lived from A.D He was trained in the law and was one of the foremost Christian apologists of his day. He was trained in the law and was one of the foremost Christian apologists of his day. He was a vigorous opponent of Gnosticism. He was a vigorous opponent of Gnosticism.

LUKE’s SECRETS LUKE’s SECRETS TERTULLIAN in his “APOLOGY” argued that Christianity should not be seen as a threat to the state. TERTULLIAN in his “APOLOGY” argued that Christianity should not be seen as a threat to the state. His AGAINST PRAXEAS presents an early exposition of the Trinity. His AGAINST PRAXEAS presents an early exposition of the Trinity.

LUKE’s SECRETS LUKE’s SECRETS TERTULLIAN was a strong promoter as SCRIPTURE ALONE to develop one’s RIGHT and RIGHTEOUS theology. TERTULLIAN was a strong promoter as SCRIPTURE ALONE to develop one’s RIGHT and RIGHTEOUS theology. TERTULLIAN saw ACTS and LUKE as one book, written by the companion of Paul. TERTULLIAN saw ACTS and LUKE as one book, written by the companion of Paul.

LUKE helps us to understand Peter and Jesus’ response to all the Peters’ of the world. LUKE helps us to understand Peter and Jesus’ response to all the Peters’ of the world.

MATTHEW 16:21-23 From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.

MATTHEW 16: Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” 23 But He turned and said to Peter, 23 But He turned and said to Peter,

MATTHEW 16:21-23 “ Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” “ Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”