I4ma User Experience Version 2
Flow From alert screen, show two entries –Take 8AM medication –Take 8AM assessment Patient can select either one and then choose Snooze or Take Now Take assessment will go to Screen 10 Center button will go back to the home page (Screen 9)
First form of our mobile application: Clock icon represent those messages put in snooze and time represent snooze time out in minutes Alarm icon represent those messages just received or snooze time out. The time represent time message was received. User can select a message from the list and click snooze or take now. Screen 1 Alarm icon looks like clock. Use message icon such as . Remove text “Please …” I assume this is just for demo only Change text to “Take 8AM assessment”
Snooze setting form: It shows up after snooze button is clicked. Screen 2 Insert text: “8AM medications: Lisinopril, Lipitor, Metformin” above “Alert me…”
Medicine List Form: It shows up after user click Take Now button. It will communicate with web server to retrieve and display medicine list. User can select back button to go back to first form or Take Picture. Screen 3 Insert text “Blood pressure control” Insert text “Reduce Cholesterol” Insert text “Lower blood sugar level” Insert an alert icon. And insert text “Dose adjusted based on side effect. Ordered by Dr. Wilson on 11/1/08.” in red color. !
Take Medicines Picture Form 1: It shows up after user click take now button. It is windows mobile default Camera Form, so I can not change “cancel” or “Menu” button to other text. User can click center button to take a image. Center Button Screen 4 When Cancel selected, need to allow the patient to either skip the picture part to take the pill or go back to screen 3
Take Medicines Picture Form 2: It shows up after user click center button. It is also a part of windows mobile default Camera Form. It shows a preview of the image taken. User can click center button again to send image to our application. Center Button Screen 5 When Back selected, need to allow the patient to either skip the picture part to take the pill or go back to screen 3
Image Preview Form It shows up after user take medicines’ image. User can click Take Again to take another picture or Send Picture to send it to server for verification. Screen 6 How about Cancel option or use center button to go back to Home screen How to allow the user to skip the picture taking and just record the pill taking event to satisfy the alert message?
Success Verification Form It shows up after user send image and image passed verification. User click done to go to first form with current message removed from list. Screen 7 Insert text: “8AM medications: Lisinopril, Lipitor, Metformin” here Insert text: “Congratulations, you have earned another 100 bonus points…”
Failed Verification Form It shows up after user send image and image failed verification. User click cancel to go to first form without remove current message from list. Or click Retry to take image again. Screen 8 Change text to “Skip” to completes the drug taking event. Display these two pill pictures just like in screen 3
Screen 9 Next dose: 6PM –Lisinopril 10 mg –Lipitor10 mg –Metformin 500 mg Taken today –8AM: Lisinopril, Lipitor, Metformin Estimated therapeutic level Compliance trend Bonus points: 936 BRCA group messages (19): question about toxicity for xeloda… News (5): FDA approved new drug to treat… Games My chart (1 alert) Toxic Too Low In Range Current Estimated Level Calculated compliance rate Benchmark group
Screen 10 Title: Assessment Text: 1/2 Question: Did you notice any new rashes? Answers: Yes, No Buttons: Back, Next After patient selects Next go to screen 11
Screen 11 Title: Assessment Text: 5/5 Question: How many times did you have bowel movement in the last 12 hours? Answers: 0-2, 3-5, 6+ Buttons: Back, Next After patient selects 0-2 and Next, displays “Congratulations, you have completed the survey and earned 50 bonus points.”