Western Engineering Consulting Ltd PARTNERING TO FILL THE DIGITAL DIVIDE Air Blown & Microduct Fiber Optic Access presentation University…Port of ????June 15,2010
…….. Bridging the last mile optical divide ………
TraditionalLite Access SlowFast
TraditionalLite Access UnsightlyDiscreet
Speed of Deployment LATs last mile deployments are typically 4 to 6 times faster than traditional trenched methods Speed = cost savings and clients connected in a timely manner Our technology has been deployed in areas were traditional methods were deemed too invasive
Cost of Deployment Low Impact Microduct deployment offers substantial savings over traditional trenched methods Reduce costs for Permits, Meters, Traffic management and restoration Reduce capital required
Product - Manufacturing ISO9001 Plant Scotland
Deployment Concrete Slab saw & Microduct Placement
Installation- Hard & Soft infrastructure Technology Microduct
Reinstatement Concrete, Fume Grout, Tar, SIFT 45
Technique Fibre Optics – Blown
Completed Deployments Wales and British Columbia
Summary of Benefits It is extremely fast to deploy – averaging 50% faster than traditional ducted methods It is non-intrusive / non-disruptive – ideal for inner city or campus locations It is very flexible – ring or point to point and perfect for carrier, cable co tail circuits It is substantially lower cost – generally less than half the cost of traditional methods
Lite Access Technologies Benefits over other solutions Air & Water tight Future Proof add fibre any time No Splice on repair, far less attenuation loss International Plant for Manufacturing ISO9001 Certified contractors & training Flexibility in Microduct configurations Corning SMF fibre Seamless interface for internal to external applications
Success and Approvals RUS approved, US Military Major cities including Washington, D.C, London, England & Vancouver, BC Homeland Security, US Goverment, DOD Cable, Telcos and private enterprises Worldwide Patent Pending FTTH deployed worldwide